Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I dreamt HIM

what a ridiculous dream. guess I'm SOOOoo or OVER obsessed by him.
he said nothing in my dream. just smile. HAIZ~ damn! I should have hug him ya?
he's married nobody husband but has a girlfriend thou, but and he's truly CHARMING. how I wish my future half looks like him. and would always always remain good looking even when he's above 50 *dream on*

Birth name: John Christopher Depp II
Born: June 9, 1963 (age 43)
... his birthday is coming!

can't resist, I surf for HIS pictures!!! aaahhh~~ an eye candy!

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HAIZ~~ I'm melting.

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double HAIZ~~ without a smile he's fine & lovely.

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triple HAIZ~~ fierce but smooth.

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even he's in pirates uniform, he's yummy!

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look at him, stylist gorgeous him. padahal dah bapak orang~
hey he has to look good, he's a celebrity remember? c"p)
oh that's not his wife in the picture, she's his longtime girlfriend.
with his two kids, Lily-Rose Depp, 6, and Jack Depp, 4.

in class now actually, supposed to do 6 exercises. can't do the last one, so this is my exercise 6, HAHA!!
ok DAH! bye~