Sunday, June 17, 2007

To My Dad

To my dad on his day,

Of whom I am a living will

May your happiness fulfill

Your goodness, as is just and right.

Deeds are seeds upon the night

As wind and wonder have their way,

Delivering the destined light.

for him I've blossomed to a fine young lady, despite his fierceness, hot tempered, stern, strict, old fashioned etc, I know he is doing his job as a father. it's qualities like these that keep us aware of who we are and what we can give to life. it's qualities like these, Ayah, that you have taught me and adeq to value. through your influence, your example and your love. it has made me love you very much Ayah. and each year that passes, I even more glad, more grateful and proud just to call him Ayah! Thank you, Ayah...

with that I would like to dedicate this song to my dearest AYAH,
(click to listen, the song very peepz would like it too, enjoyz!)

Lyrics to the song:

Telah berdiri seorang lelaki
Hidup berbekal kecekalan diri
Walau menghadapi sejuta cabaran
Terus berpaut pada kebenaran

Berkurun sudah kau merintis jalan
Bertahun sudah hasratmu terhalang
Tetap bersemarak api keazaman
Bara keramat doa dan harapan

Kau melangkah bermula dari lembah
Kau mendaki setangga ke setangga
Semakin hampir menjejaki puncak
Semakin sering kau ditikam onak
Namun kerana kau lelaki
Derita dapat diselindungi
Tangisanmu rahsia dihati

Kesepianlah teman nan sejati
Di dalamnya kau mengenal diri
Tenangnya wajah matangnya bicara
Kerana kau menyakini
Tuhanlah yang maha ESA
Kerana kau menyakini
Tuhanlah yang maha ESA

and to ALL fathers in the universe...
Happy Fathers' Day!