NAFSU mengatakan WANITA cantik atas dasar RUPAnya, AKAL mengatakan WANITA cantik atas dasar ILMU dan KEPANDAIANnya, HATI mengatakan WANITA cantik atas dasar AKHLAQnya, AKHLAQ adalah BUNGA atau HIASAN diri kita..tanpanya hilanglah perhatian manusia pada kita....
Thursday, December 08, 2005
...SediH... *sob*sob*
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Sharing TimE!!!
Saturday, November 26, 2005
....Jika Begini.....
Tanpa kata-kata
Untukku jadikan pegangan
Salahkah aku
Seandainya nanti
Rindu jadi jemu
Dan hati tak rela menunggu
Telah kuutuskan masa
Janji tak terbukti jua
Bagai pelabuhan sepi
Engkau menyendiri
Apalah gunanya kini
Langkah tak sehala lagi
Tapi sukar mengucapkan
Salam perpisahan...
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
mane habuk...
barang yg dah bertahun2 semua kluar....
mane barang yg dah patut condemn pun masih simpan...
hantar museum pun cantik~~
sambil2 pack tu..
aku dengar radio...
ade this advert on satin collagen...
bagi pemanggil yg buat tempahan hari ni akan dapat 15% discount...
stress punye pasal, tak pikir panjang..
aku pun call lah their hotline....
tanpa ku sedari aku pun order~~
Cuba lah Satin Collagen...Inside-Out-Formula....
Friday, November 18, 2005
PuZzLe me..
found tis puzzle thingy in JanN's friendster page...
i find its cool...
so here making ma own puzzle...heh
try it out... (try to zoom in & out if u cant shift da puzzle..)
Friday, November 11, 2005
:*:*:* Kau Auraku *:*:*:
Telah lama kutunggu hadirmu disini
Namun hanya ruang semu yang nampak padaku
Meski sulit harus kudapatkan
Kerinduan yang mendalam terbitkan hasratku
Sambutlah tangan ini terima janjiku
Rasakan cinta yang tulus lewat aliran darahmu
Menyatu seiring dalam kasih
Kau auraku ..
Memancarkan sepercik harapan
Datanglah merasuk mengiring jelma
Meleburkan cinta
Kubawa kau terbang menembus awan yang beriring
Kembangkan senyuman
Bagai bunga .. bawa keindahan
Tak dapat kusangkal lagi adanya dirimu
Yang s'lalu menaungi pikiran batinku
Ingin miliki hatimu
Takkan pernah terlepaskan
Kupersembahkan semua padamu
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
1. when there is no tmr fer me
2. darkness
3. if my parents no more ard me
4. religious commitments
5. late fer work
6. careless mistakes
7. unfinished business
Seven things I like the most:
1. my M.A.C studio fix compact NC35 & C40 (w/o tis I wont leave my house....heh)
2. DioR handbag
3. WinniE da PooH
4. Roses
5. My provocative woman by arden
6. ice-creamzzzzzzz
7. SinginG.....
Seven most important things in my room:
1. Fan
2. Bed
3. Pillow
4. laptop
5. Winnie da PooH Alarm Clock
6. Full body Mirror!!!!
7. Wardrobe
Seven random facts about me:
1. make-up fer sure....very particular abt facial too...make-up remover, deep pore facial wash, scrub, refine facial wash, toner, moisturizer & whitening nite cream....
2. i'll sms my sis, drop by to say "hi" everyday w/o miss cos we hardly meet eversince she starts working....
3. when I sleep I'll face my right side & muz place my bolster on my as though somebody hug me...hehee....
4. I wear pyjamas when I sleep...unless hot weather....
5. easily get along wif pple..guess more frenly PR is getting better hehee......
6. I sing everyday & everywhere
7. everyday think of Syafuan....and wonder if he thinks of me too....alahai....feelinz pulak dia~~
Seven things I plan to do before I die
1. repent & be an average muslimah
2. go to hajj/ umrah or both
3. sponsor my parents a good life
4. married wif the man who really loves me & of cos me loves him too..takes 2 to tango ya? Hmm.....
5. khatam Quran (& knowing wat it means)
6. ask forgiveness from everyone who knows me
7. able to mengucap 2 kalimah syahadah....InsyaAllah
Seven things I can do
1. multi-tasking
2. motivate others & myself
3. hide my feelings
4. compromise
5. sleep w/o pillow
6. sew
7. advice if needed....if not ask to, i don't anyhow juz listen
Seven things I can't do
1. play 4D
2. play toto
3. clubbin...hmm last time used tobat oredy....
4. bike license
5. eat disgusting stuffs like in fear factor
6. tie 'scorpion' to my own hair....tak the end complain tangan lenguh..
7. kiss a guy yg bukan muhrim?? At least on the cheek?? Boleh lah~~~...hehe =P
Seven words I say the most
1. "ape sey...."
2. " ye sayer...."
3. ".................ya? hmmm...."
4. "sorry....."
5. "okay....."
6. "Allahu akbar..."
7. "astargfirullah hala'zim...." (i use vulgarities too when I'm pissed....heh~ )
Seven celebrity crushes
1. anuar zain
2. syed azmir
3. fadly awalludin
4. suzhairie sumari
5. adi rahman
6. khairie othman
7. haizad imran....(got somemore lei...oklah oklah...7 onli)
Seven things that 'make my day':
1. stress-free
2. shopping
3. I look good & pleasant
4. flawless make-up
5. look at syafuan's & syed azmir's pic in my hp =P
6. get to see tis ns police guy...taking da same bus every morning....
7. colleagues & students smiles
Seven things that can spoil my day:
1. slow traffic
2. mood swing
3. internet hang
4. a kilo or two heavier than weight I mean
5. I smudge my eye-liner
6. I stained my clothes...esp if I wear white
7. I missed a means I might b missed taking da same bus as tt ns police guy....DAMN!!
Seven destinations that Im wanting to go:
1. sea cruising
2. paris
3. Mauritius
4. australia
5. thailand
6. london
7. turkey
Seven colours that I fancy the most:
1. fiery red
2. pearl white
3. sunshine orange
4. earth brown
5. mysterious black
6. sweet pink
7. apple green
Seven things I do to make myself stress:
1. eat-too-much esp junk food
2. dilly dally
3. unrealistic goals
4. high expectation
5. paranoid over some stuffs
6. GIVE-IN to mood swing
7. purposely collect & pile up my dirty clothes.....hahaa
Seven things I do to de-stress:
1. pray & zikir
2. get things done
3. talk to beloved mum & sis
4. sleep
5. yoga
6. reflections
7. watch tv / movies
Seven individuals that are close to my heart:
1. my mum
2. my dad
3. my sister
4. my gramma
5. me
6. myself
7. I
Seven most fave places:
1. my house
2. my gramma's place
3. esplanade
4. suntec city
5. bugis
6. city hall
7. tampines
Seven most fave age went through:
1. 6 yrs old
2. 9 yrs old
3. 12 yrs old
4. 14 yrs old
5. 16 yrs old
6. 21 yrs old
7. 22 yrs old
Seven most fave brand:
1. DioR
2. Adidas
3. LV
4. Burberry
5. Pierre Cardin
6. Bonia
7. Espirit
so tts a lil bit of me there~ took me an hour to finish tis........enjoy reading...if wanna noe more ask me lah~ den i'll type it here ayte?? hehee...
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
bye Ramadhan...heLLo Syawal
Sunday, October 16, 2005
~~ Alawiyah ~~
Indah bersamamu...Alawiyah...
Bangkitkan kembali
Rinduku mengajakku kesana
Inginku berlari
Mengejar seribu bayangmu...Alawiyah....
Tak peduli kau kuterjang
Biar pun harusku tembus padang ilalang
( korus )
Tiba-tiba langkahku terhenti
Sejuta tangan telah menahanku
Ingin kumaki mereka berkata
Tak perlu kau berlari
Mengejar mimpi yang tak pasti
Hari ini juga mimpi
Maka biarkan ia datang
Di hatimu... di hatimu... i wish if anyone (preferable guyz lah kan~ hehee..)cld serenade this song to me....isn't tt beautiful????
actually tis is a song by Ebiel G title Camelia...i changed da name...heheee...
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
HidunG GataL
Scene: In the Kitchen
One Tuesday evening (its yesterday actually) .....
Mummy was frying keropok...
Daddy sitting ard..doing nuthin...
Me making hot drinks fer buka...
Daddy: Hidung saya gatal dari pagi tadi...kalau tangan yg gatal tu nak dapat hidung gatal ape agaknye??
Me: Orang nak masuk meminang~~ chuckles
Daddy: Merepek jer!! in a strong tone
With my eyes wide open...and with a big question mark on my face looking at daddy...
Mummy: Kenapa pulak merepek kalau betul??
Daddy: Takde..takde... with some hand gestures showing NO
Me: Abih anak ayah tak payah kawin? tak payah ade family?? jadi anak dara tua??
Mummy: Kalau macam tu hantar jer pegi skola gambar (museum she means)....
Daddy just kept silence....
Me: Ayah~~~ in my manja tone ...ape 4 soalan yg nanti ayah nak tanye bakal menantu ayah tu??...
Daddy: Mana boleh cakap skarang....Nanti dah tiba masa baru tahu....
Me: Alah~~~ cakap lah Yah~~~ abih Bu bleh tak bleh...abih kalau dia tak bleh jawab salah satu soalan ayah tu..kirakan FAILED lah?? lepas tu org nak kena carik lain eh Yah??
Daddy immediately left the kitchen....he knew i try to DIG...but i failed...
Me: Ah...tak jawab ah tu...lari pulak dia....BU!!!! bilang ah~~~~~~
Mummy: Mane ibu tahu... smiling
in my heart....nampak sah bedek...mesti ibu tahu yer~~~
haiz~~ tak terjawab jugak mystery Encik Ahmad nie...muz wait til i'm ready to settle down n when i bring home Mr den i'll noe wat da 4 SOALAN BONUS all abt...
gosh! bila tu~~ not now nor not metally or fact most importantly am not ECONOMICALLY prepared yet...........................................
p/s: to my frens yg dah tunang ke..kawin ke... Me salute ah u pple... "Tabik Tuan Singh..." ...."Saya bukan tuan..saya Bai juga~~" heheeeee.....
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
SalaM AidilfitrI
and so tts fer da saturday... there's another event by Mediacorp on sunday tt is Malam Radio Warna & Ria.. Kak Zaza did asked me on friday if i wanna go..cos she can get free tickets fer me... I'm not interested cos definitely its boring~~~ did went last yr... but after tt i regret~~ why?? cos SYED AZMIR was there!!! hehee...DAMN!!! takde rezeki ku..kalau tidak jumpa dia 2 hari turut2 eh...hehee... takpelah...mesti ade hari lain...
hmmm..oklah~ guess hav to go back to now gonna start preparing fer O level practicals..which starts on da 18th of Oct...busy busy bumble bee me....
HyruL sooo red~~ i LOIKE...merah pak ngah!!
Amcam?? mcm pinang dibelah kapak ke atau dilanggar lori cement?? hehe...oh his charming though~~
da cute n da cutette...
Friday, September 30, 2005
Champion...Penuh dgn Gaya, Mutu & Keunggulan

- Hanya Memuji
- Kasih Tak Sampai
- Bla bla
- Menaruh Harapan
Kalau Rahimah Rahim dipanggil Kak Girl....well kat sini Kak Tutz bobual..hehee....basically Khairul pun ade cara tersendirinye bila menyanyi...Kak Tutz suka cara Khairul nyanyi chorus fer songs Hanya Memuji & Menaruh Harapan...sampaikan terikut2 cara dia coat yg dia pakai fer semi-final tu..ala ala George Micheal...slalunye lelaki pakai straight cut coat...nie lain dari yg lain...ade CLASS~~
So, dimanakah terletaknye kekuatan Khairul Anwar? Di gaya metro nya kah? Di topi nya kah? (mcm nujum pak belalang bunyinye ;> ).... Jawapannya~~ tentu lah suara nya...DUH~ walaupun Kumar ade comment suara dia beza bila berbual dan menyanyi...tapi suara tulah yg membawa TUAH... he received da lowest number of votes at da begining but after Edry spoke to da viewers to make a 2nd thought & vote correctly..Khairul's vote shoots up!!! wow~ viewers really listen to Edry huh? Edry seems like favor Khairul from da begining...Khairul managed to hook him..hehee silap hari bulan Khairul jadi recording artist KRU? eh~ sape tahu masin mulut Kak Tutz~ heheee
Guess ini hadiah yg paling terbesar utk Khairul fer his birthday... Nasib baiklah dia tak terpelecok ke ape ke while performing eh~ kalau tak dah melatar yg mcm kat dlm bloopers preview tu...cute kan fer a guy to melatar..hehee...(if i were to b ard when he melatar..i tink i pun kekek ketawa~~)
So to Khairul..all da best in ur singing career...harap2 dapatlah dia capai cita2 nak menyanyi dgn idolanya, Siti Nurhaliza...whereas fer Azmir, Khairil & Fauzie...i believed they did their very best last nyte...
Mr Cool, Azmir...fer da 1st time, this time round he received a lil negative comments...walau mcm mane pun...performance dia memang cool..tak bleh angkat~~ like wat stylist Dean said "You are the BEST!"
As fer Khairil, he really suits singing malay ballad songs...yg tangkap feeling..jiwa2 retak kecundang roboh...though he's not tt versatile but he has good vocal control...paling Kak Tutz suka bila dia nyanyi kan~~ kening sampai ternaik2...betul2 menjiwai lagu...
Fauzie bad boi?? n yesterday not bad enuff?? hey he's not bad boi dont see da bad boi look or image in him...look at da way he speaks during da interview...he sounds more like a cute geek next door...selamba jer~ has good sense of humor...yeah like ur fan said " U ROCK!!"
Hopefully u guys dont juz stop here..tak kira lah juara ataupun tidak...u muz move on, achieve ur dreams, cos u guys have da package...never say die...kalau tak bagus tak kan sampai final ye tak? i like da 1st performance best by all 4...Gerak kan badan..kiri ke kanan..ikut irama..pop yeh yeh...
And so thats how last nyte story goes...satisfied?? not satisfied?? well judges lah yg lebih arif tentang seni suara...mungkin pada kita suara contestant pilihan kita suara sedap n shld win...tapi bagi judges mungkin ade yg terseliur ke..terpeleot ke..pitching lari ke..terkehel ke..dan mcm2 lagi..
But this time round Kak Tutz puas hati ngan reaksi penonton...viewers did da rite thing...u noe da use of SMS vote..unlike previous anugerah..viewers did not vote base on talent instead they are being emotional or sensitive..ikut kan perasaan..tak suka kan peserta tu dia vote banyak2 biar org tu kluar ring...kesian kan~~so thumbs up viewers!! u are more civilised...and hopefully coming anugerah (dunnoe which yr) we will hav something like American Idol, where we viewers are da judges...100% SMS vote...GEREK~~~
Lastly they wrap up da show, performance by Ezlyn & Ressa Herlambang...u peeps saw da way he dance? isn't he C-U-T-E?? he reminds me of Justin Timberlake....hurhurhur....
ok den..last words..akhir kata..above all...U GO TAUFIK!!! (eh..salah channel lah...) hehee...
Dulu aku sendiri~ Kini masih sendiri~Hadapi hidup inip/s: Kak Tutz c u 4 musketeers this sat ya... Selamat~~selamat hari raya...oooiii puasa dulu oooiiii..hutang dah bayar belum??
Thursday, September 29, 2005
~meSSy TuTsIe~
messy kan table gue...hehehe...pple said u can tell wat type of person or da personality of a person by looking at their work desk, their room, wat they do 1st when they reach home etc etc...n pple who loves messy wld b an easy-going type...nie kata org...kita same2 dengar kan jerlah..betul atau tidak wallah waklam...
hmm, my room messy too?? well u bet it is...hahahaaaa...standard daku ini ANDALAS~~ mim alif lam sin....weekends jer baru kemas bilik...kalu nak hari2 bilik ku nampak kemas..akan ku carik maid...
see tt yellow piece of paper on my desk? tt is some survey tt i hav to do..regarding how i feel working i feel abt da pple tt includes da P...hav to comment somemore...write a few lines...hmm ape aku nak 'complaint ' eh?
hmm..better don enclose much...u noe eversince tt two guys kena caught abt bloggin...den timbul pulak pasal students write abt their teachers in their blog...well teachers r not GOB-BLOG ok...can use da search engin...haiz mcm2 lah kisah BLOG nie eh...
anywaste... i'm soo excited fer tonite's ANUGERAH final.........poor DeQ cant watch...but wil keep her update wats happening....
til den... TuTsIe outz!!
p/s: shld see my colleagues table...more messy liao~ teruk den me....sampai ade yg tumbang2..haha
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
:*:*:* F4 *:*:*:
check out tt 4 'hunks'...hahahaaa... tmr gonna b their big day...
who do u think shall win da competition??
most pple said Azmir gonna make it..
cos he has da style, da personality, husky voice...wat they say?
well u never depends on LUCK...
cos to me all four are good...
:01: Syed Azmir :02: Khairil Yusoff :03: Khairul Anwar :04: Fauzie Laily
Fans have asked for his phone number from his family and friends. 'I've even heard of someone posing as my girlfriend.' said Azmir in New paper...
sape pulak lah yg berangan tu~~ FeeLING~~PERAS SANTAN betul...perasan i mean..heh
Monday, September 26, 2005
Jujur lah padaku
Saturday, September 24, 2005
sooOo da ME!~

Monday, September 12, 2005
slackin @ work
tot of watchin Linsay Lohan movie 2day..
skali juz remember tt tonite ade ANUGERAH lah~~
how can i miss it...

my fav contestant...
Jann said he's married?? asal bleh jer tu pompuan spread info...
terkejot beruk aku kejap...
hilang semangat nak vote fer him...
he's single but not available rupanye...
chey~~ aku pun SAMA...
HAIZ~~ last last Wednesday saw him wif da rest of da contestant at SAKURA far east...
was havin dinner there....
he SMILED!! hahahaaaaa....
kau smile kat aku punye pasal~~ takpe...
nie mlm aku vote kau 1 dollar ok?
banyak2 nanti bill aku naik ah bro...hahahaaa....
Hai Syed Azmir...u r sooo smooth man...
geram...mcm ku nak gigit jer...
gigit jari? hehee...(eh jann?...u ask me to gigit jari ryte?)
wish all da contestants very da best ah....
ape crita lagik ade eh tonite?
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Syasya 3 yrs..

me and da bday gerl...
her bday actually on da 9th..
so we celebrate yesterday...
we r soooo pink!! I LOIKE~
btw while we were happily celebrating Syasya's bday...
we received bad news...
Uncle Halim passed away...
somewhere in da afternoon at SGH...
baru itu hari me saw him n his family...nampak sihat...hmm, dah sampai janji...
kita semua pun akan mati...scary eh~..
my parents pergi melawat tis morning...
me tot of going 2..but suddenly had crampz...
neway semoga roh uncle halim dicucuri rahmat..InsyaAllah..
haiyoo...yesterday's RAPSODI...not so good lah..
2day seems like no story...
my fav drama tt nasha aziz act wif akor not showing tonite...
ade tilawah Al-quran...
hmmm..ape nak buat eh after tis?
Friday, September 09, 2005
nEw lOOk {5th layout}...
did this at work...ssshhhh dont tell pple ya...
u noe i noe..public don hav to noe..
esp my P..hahaa..
neway me yesterday caught a fashion show by some thailand designers...
they wil hav another show..much much grand den this @ continental today abt 7.30pm..
very interesting fashions they parade n stylish too...
took pictures but mostly blur...
they walked kinda fast...hehee..
thailands models chiobu to da max...envy their body... sexy gilerrrr...

nice rite~~

hmmm...flat abdomen but no washboard..hehee...
haiya tt man...i stand up he stands up...
hmmm...gonna lv my workplace soon...
not feelin tt well today...
feel like watchin SEPET again later...
this wil b my 3rd time watching...

da story tells of a 19-year old Ah Loong who is in charge of a stall selling pirated vcd's...
Ah Loong is an incurable romantic with an unlikely hobby...
he loves to read and write poetry. ...
Ah Loong's life takes a sudden turn one day when a 16-year old Malay schoolgirl arrives at his stall in search of a vcd...
i like da way they specific dialogs i guess...
very stiffness...n definitely uncensored..nice movie indeed
this is wat we call good movie...
no sekat2...
no wonder they won some festival awards....
n bcos of their simplicity...banyak pulak yg jeles meles....
dah takde rezeki tu buat hal lah takde rezeki...
manusia~ manusia~
hmm oklah...
time fer me to pack my stuffs n go home...
where da buffalow romes...
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
DamN i'M oLD!!!
n look wat i've found~~~
2 LONG strands of WHITE HAIR....

one wif 28cm long n the other is 25cm...
i tried to convince myself tt those are my damage hairs..
probably caused by rebonding...
but NOOOOO~~~
my dad says... " ini UBAN lah~~"
iiissyyyhhhh...tak best ah nie mcm....
aku dah tuek!!!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
miSS bloGGin
guess da interest has gone eversince ma laptop was sent fer servicing..
its back though...but another problem arise...
and dont nooooeee wat to do wif it..
da more i try to tackle da problem...da more it gets into my nerves...
and as usual i hav no patience...
well..juz finished wif da pure chem prelim prac exams...
left one more next tues... pure bio
tmr half day...
we gonna celeb broadrick's 35th Anniversary @ Hyatt...
starts @ 7pm...
hmmm...hav no idea wat to miny mini moe~~
last sat , 20th Aug...
Zana engaged...
Nazri married...
Monday, July 18, 2005
*wEt* *WeT* dayzzz
these few days..raining all da way..sooo da cooling...sedap tydo..hehehee..kain baju pun belambak me blum cuci..tot of washing dem today but c lah da weather..very nice~~malas pulak..
Neway last friday 15th July was my sis convocation day... she was in her PURPLE suit...very nice..mestilah nice..sape lagik kalu bukan aku yg pilih~~ n sponsor~~ duh~~...she really look good tt day..her lecturers said she look very da sophisticated n mummy pulak were in maroon..heheee..camouflaged~ oh btw on da same day was my birthday too!!! hehee...mengikut kiraan calendar Islam..8 JamadilAkhir baru 23..heheee...
ma laptop blum balik2 lagik..sesat sis said it cost us 190bucks..she will go n pick it up one of these days during her lunch time...oklah~ rasa mcm tak miss sangat skarang..baru2 jer mcm tak bleh hidup tanpa laptop..but now gua dah OK~ hehee..luckily ade cable..they hav tis DEMAND TV on-going til late august...been slacking watchin all those movies tt i didnt get da chance to watch..purchased online spiderman2 n 50 first dates...
hmmm...rasa2 cik ct kita sampai spore tmr agaknye...cant wait fer this second LIVE concert..da 1st one was robbie williams..fuh~~ SEXY~~ SUAVE~~ SLICK~~ unforgetable one..I DONT WANNA ROCK~ DJ~...sanggup gua buang duit...went wif ma poly frens tt time..gerek..stil fresh in ma mind..hmm so me wonder bagaimanakah agaknye gegaran,suasana concert by kuala lipis gurl?? apekah sehebat di Royal Albert's Hall London?? hmmm...kita nantikan malam Rabu ini..8.30mlm di stadium tertutup Singapura...bagi mereka yg blum dapat kan tickets...dapatkan nye SE-KA-RANG!!!! heh~
**looking at da clock** times up..
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
tiMe reallY flieS...
kak ct msg tadi ajak gie port dickson this weekends...hmmm..nak pegi ke tidak eh...kena tanye daddy dulu..but me myself rasa mcm malas lah...cos sure sunday petang sampai spore..nanti malas pulak nak keje da next day..tengok ah camne...
eh~~~my fav song played on RIA now!!! SEGALANYA sang by 5 divas..siti nurhaliza,liza hanim,misha omar,siti sarah n ning baizura...they sang this song at AIM 2004.... its da malay version of MY ALL by Mariah Carey...i juz love da siti nurhaliza's part...
sooo da sleepy...oh RIA~~ plzzz play good good songs...jgnlah yg mengantuk kan....kan nanti aku tertydo kat sini...hmm..emails2 dah check..friendster..anakmelayu..semua dah check..oklah...time fer tele-tuty bubbye!! balik ooiii...balik...dah times up....ape lagik kau tunggu???
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Da fiElD trIP
So we had to report at CHIJ katong convent school tt mornin...there r 5 skools altogether under cluster 7...Victoria,CHIJ,Eunos Pri,Broadrick and Opera Estate Pri...had breakfast 1st b4 we on board...
its like a tour thing we had...had a tour guide wif us..quite a number of places we went to..1stly was da Hajjah Fatimah Mosque,den Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple,had lunch in a cruise from Clifford Pier to Kusu Island,den to Chinise Heritage at chinatown, Sikh Temple and lastly shopping at Mustaffa centre...
Mr Singh our tour guide gave us a very useful historic informations from one place to another...sumthin new i learnt...i went like "ooohhh..." "i see..." "waaahhh.." soo da many things in spore tt we need to explore...angan2 nak gi hols overseas..negeri sendirik tak tahu sangat tempat2 dia...padahal banyak jugak tempat2 yg interesting..
like Hajjah Fatimah Mosque...i noe i've learnt da history of it in sec skool from Vasu..but manelah daku ingat~ never pay attention during her lesson...but this time attentive giler~ hehee..very unique structure..pple might b mistaken of da mosque as church..i mean its like a church juz rite besides a mosque...
fer da hindu temple..hmm so many gods they of 10..mcm2..interesting to noe each one of dem..somehow da stories mcm tak masuk diakal..but anyway we hav to respect their believes..bottom line is semua agama percaya pada hari khiamat.. adenye syurga dan neraka...
lunch in da cruise was great..I HAVE NO SEA SICK!! yea~~ heheee...quite a number yg mabuk2..vomitted..maybe bcos aku ade darah org kapal tak? sia2 bapak aku jadi org kapal bertahun2 tapi anak nyer sea sick~~hahahaa...sempat jugak aku feeling mcm titanic at da very front of da cruise.. paling best skali when da waves cause by a speed boat pass by...fuhh yooo..da feelin best gilerrrrrr....and so we ahead to kusu island(KI)..
at KI..there's a tok pekong..hehee..but we didnt visit it cos its not part of da we went str8 to da keramat..tak tahu berapa tingkat kita naik..berpeluh-pelay..hehee..very da high..very da suppose to b keramat org islam..but somehow pple took advantage of it..according to da history..lelaki melayu kawin ngan pompuan cina..n this family ade kena mengena ngan hang nadim yg crita spore dilanggar todak tu..shld c my pics under my gallery..i'll attch soon..banyak betul nombor 4D kat situ...hahahaaa...
next da chinese heritage at chinatown..mahal jugak nak masuk..$8.50..but free ah all sponsor by skool...very inetresting..they show all those cina2 origins..dulu2 their lifestyle..cina very da biz bought fer my mummy mini sewing machine..mahal jugak nie dok~fer her bday..cute kan..bleh move tau...
sikh pun believes mcm kita...tak sembah manusia,berhala ataupun binatang...hanya sembah satu..kalu kita kata Allah..dia pulak panggil Wahidu..wahid tu kan satu dlm bahasa arab? hmmm...banyak persamaan nye jugak kepercayaan dia...they also hav to tutup aurat bila nak masuk dem man n woman are of da same standard...not like ours..lelaki ketua keluarga...they don believe tt...
lastly we went to mustafa centre...SHOPPING!!! tapi kejap ajer..abt half an didnt buy anything ah..jln2 tts all fer da tour...ends abt 6...penat n mengantuk~~ balik gua tydo berdengkur!! ngorokzzz terus~~hahahaaa...
btw today n tmr i took half day kan~~ anyway today after work i went str8 to hair salon...betul tak bleh tahan wif my hair...guess used to str8 hair?? ngada-ngada ;p...neway easier to maintain ah beb~~ so went down to my usual hair salon..REBOND my hair fer da 3rd time!!!! heheheee..but this time my hair is long..juz cut an inch...n its very(5x) 20% discount...regular customer mah~woo hooo....I FEEL SOOO WORTH IT..hehee...
Sunday, June 12, 2005
I fEEl SooOOOoo Bloated..n FAT!!
goin to weddings are not my cup of tea...usually deq yg rajin teman kan ibuku tersayang..but bcos deq now working practically everyday...even weekends..den i hav no choice but to follow ma mum...
normally eat rice once a week..nie dah lebih nie...aaarrgghhh!!!! aduh duh~mana tahan~~~ hehee..
and so i telan da jamu langsing juz now...definitely aku buang air besar yg teramat besar~~ hahahaaa...slamat lah aku kat tempat keje nanti...
Monday, June 06, 2005
***Great WeekendS***
~~4th June~~
Went down to da Taman Warisan Melayu (TWM) early in da morning cos Wid needs me n Zana to assist her wif da labelling n seating arrangements for da VIPs and guests launching seatings n dinner at Tepak goodness it was sooo hot tt day..
Anyway we were assigned to do da registration of VIPs and other guests..da GLAMOUR registration GERLS heheee..n definitely we get to meet up-close wif da MPs, Ambassadors, orang2 seni, those we c on tv pple holding big2 organisations, etc..ade yg sopan..ade pulak yg kurang sopan..biasalah kan~~ As fer da rest, Noli, Aden, Hashim, Azhar n Syafiq..they did da ushering..

Our guest of honour PM Lee came ard 5pm....
Begitu GAH skali sambutan nyer bila PM kita tiba..dengan iringan penari2 dari Sri Warisan..hehe mcm reporter pulak yer~~ beautiful performances especially by da small ones..sooo cute..feel like joining them....
Kawalan betul punye ketat...police n CIDs were all ard...infact b4 we start there's a bomb sweep..bodyguards PM Lee pun ramai jugak...metal detector so on n so forth...
And so da lauchin ends almost 6pm..n PM Lee was brought to view da Museum n tour da fer us..we standby positioning ourselves at Tepak Sirih to usher our VIPs and guests fer dinner...I was stationed to ushers da VIPs..hehee COOL...n yes manage to meet PM Lee closely...he was sooo nice sey..he stop talking to Prof Madya Yakob..turned,smile n said "HI" to me..
I cant stand his bodyguards..they move here n there..kanchong spider asyik accident jer ngan diaorg..tapi hensem2 jugak..tuff~but all chinese lah..hehee I LOIKE~~
Kampong Glam was den open to public after 7.30pm...ramai jugak yg turun..not bad sambutannyer~~ As fer us..kita pun ade dinner jugak lah..lepak at Wid's office fer dinner plus a small celebration fer our belated bday GERL Wid n bday BOY fer da day Hashim...bought them a chocolate TRUFFLE cake..oh yes how can me fergot abt Wid's colleague.. infact she's our leader...da BUBBLY Rhaihana..Rhai too join in da fun....
Azhar n Syafiq, unbelievable..jokers jugak diaorg..bleh tahan jokes2 dia...nice noeing dem...sayang skali didn't get to take pics wif da guys in baju kurung melayu..but its alrite..we did took some snapshots...took a video clip..aarr there they stil wif baju kurung....

Da nyte never ends, da museum was open til wee morning.. performances from Brunei, Indonesia,,Zana n Wid didn't wait....we were so tired but don't feel like goin home we lepak at BREKO cafe til 11pm...
~~5th June~~
Have 2 weddings tt 2nd cuz n dayah sis's wedding.. luckily both at Tampines.. and so rush myself cos had promised Wid n Zana...n juz nice reached home at 4.30pm..we went down to 1st our intentions was juz to hang ard n most importantly wanna catch TAUFIK BATISAH LIVE!!!!!
Rhai didn't wanna activate us..but kesian we did da fund raising by selling da museum's coupons cum lucky draw..not bad laris jugak..hehee..
Shows continues.. performances by schools, pple playin traditional games everywhere n after magrib, dikir barat by a primary school (cant remember from which school) n KELANA PURBA..yea~ I LOIKE~
Da finale concert..da one tt all been waiting fer.. it starts after isyak..more n more pple started to come.. i bet they r here fer Taufik.. wat else~ da concert starts wif Nuradee, Elfie n Iskandar R. Ismail, Eka Marina, Papa ROCK Ramli Sarip, hip hop dancers, new appearances of which never heard of dem b4..n oh HELL when is Taufik's turn?? Semua kat situ dah binggit cos Taufik tak kluar2.. pple thought dia tak jadi perform..
But hey~ at goodness we were like shouting our hearts out.. TAUFIK!!! TAUFIK!! AARRGGGHHH!!! TAUFIK!!! TAUFIK!!! AARRGGGHHH!!! (non-stop)..there's these guys were asking wats wif him tt we go gugu-gaga abt..well honestly to me he's charming..LURVE HIS SMILE N EYES~~ his eye lashes..uuurrgghh.. i'm melting~
He sang Belaian Jiwa n One Last..took video of him singing..n when he looked at us..we shout again~~ hehee..dah tu kejap jer..he didnt stayed long..ape sey~ pple tunggu bertangga juz to c him..he left by da back gate..when we saw tt..we quickly ran after him.. DAMN!! Masa tu lah digicam aku low batt.. bodyguards sampai 6..garang2 pulak tu..takut gegerl~ HAIZZZ.....
Everything ends almost 12pm..oredy planned took leave til 7th gue bayar hutang tydo lah~~ hahaaa SooOOoo CLEVER~
Oh YES!! Today is MY MONSTA's bday~~ sister lah...her 20th bday...didnt get to wish her this morning cos she had left to work sooo early..n not back yet til now...she's been busy lately..didnt get to chat wif her much too..hmmm me miss u Deq~
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
AwaY frOm WorK...
neway..feelin so so excited..takin lv from 1st to 7th june..gerek kan~~ but sure when i return start to stress again...hehee...ape tidak..have to start packing all da science stuffs..shiftin end of tis yr..alah tak jauh jer...juz one stop ahead...
den again don stress mua-self..cos should enjoy my hols...looking forward fer da grand opening of da Kampong Glam tis comng 4th & 5th june...volunteering dah lama jugak tak buat keje mcm nie..and so am helping Wid tis sat..and later part of da da evening we gonna have da meeting at kampong glam itself..seriously cant wait..pakai baju tradisional melayu lagik~~ hehee mcm hari raya lah kita nanti~~ GLAMOUR habis~~~
On 5th da sunday my 2nd cuz's soooo young lah..juz a yr older than my sis..ape nak buatkan...dah jodoh dia...
gerek sey yan dapat gie KL..well its alrite..there's always next time fer me..heheee...
otay lah...jap lagik dah subuh~~~ melek2 lah aku nampaknye..hehee
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Hepii 1st AnniversaryyYY!!
hehehee...was reading all my "bygones"...den realise my 1st entry was on 30th May 2004...n tmr wil b exactly a yr...COOL~~
neway 2day i feel much betta..unlike yesterday...later gettin ready accompany my mum to 2 weddings...dua-dua kerja kawin kawan dia...gerenti nanti her frens tanye bila pulak my mum nak terima menantu...MENANTU ke HANTU?? heheee...
baguslah bagi mereka-mereka yg dah ketemu jodoh...ramaikan umat..lagikpun ia wajib bagi mereka yg mampu...nak ikutkan semua org memang mampu..sebab mas kawin skarang minimum $100...nak kasi lebih pun boleh~ tapi ape yg buat kita kata bukan senang nak kawin is bcos da hantaran n skarang nak bangga-banggakan wang hantaran..sedangkan mas kawin tu yg penting..
tt day i followed farizan survey fer her wedding...sama-sama lah ikut2 do calculations..mak aiii~~ total 15 -16K fer her side jer...she told me so far she has 5K..hahaa..nak kawin ape tu? kesian member..stress..comin june dah 2yrs dia tunang...
aku ade suggestion...kenapa tak buat combine jemputan? kan budget..economical..mcm buat kat padang lapang...pasang kemah besar(eg. padang lapang sebelah blk aku nie jer..ade stage lagik..glamor kan~)..both jemputan buat kat situ..dah tu bila org nak salaman...buat lah 2 sign board..indicate on it "Mak bapak pengantin lelaki"/"Mak bapak pengantin perempuan"....kalau takut nanti dia dapat kurang ataupun lebih..jemput sama rata..both sides jemput 1000...end of da day nasib2 lah...
but den again...adeke parents yg boleh agree ngan suggestion aku nie?? seriously...kalu buat combine jemputan budget gileerrr....Awie ke..Erra Fazira ke or Ziana Zain pun kalah...neway memang pun diaorg dah kalah...hantaran diaorg ngan kita sporean gerls sikit lebih kurang sama..Awie kasi hantaran RM10 ribu convert to Sing dollars $5K..Erra dapat from Yusry RM22,222 (mcm golden chance)..convert to Sing dollars abt $10K..we spore gerls lagik mahal..
hmmm....since aku yg suggest kenapa tak aku buat dulu? heheee...tapikan ni mcm aku kena carik yg tinggal dekat2 sini lah...kalu dapat org Woodlands tak kan parents dia nak buat jemputan jauh dari rumah sendiri...heheeee...hmm..ade advantage n disadvantage nyer~~
boleh pulak melalut ke topic nie eh...Wak SENDUK betul aku nie~~ eh Nek SELAMPIT sounds betta~ hahahahaaaaa......Chaow!!
Saturday, May 28, 2005
hmm...where shld i start wif?? let's seeee....ok!
16th to 18th May...
had a 3 full day course at tanjong pagar...some self-development course i was sent to...was kinda shock to see tt da class had onli 3 ladies (n tt include me) 1st ingatkan dah masuk salah class..but saw da room number was right...n when i entered back again da trainer called my name...haizyoo..soo paisey~~ da room was packed wif pakcik2 n abg2 from CIA,ICA,SCDF,SPF...same goes to da other 2 ladies..onli mua from MOE...ish ish..on da 1st day of da course..gua takde kawan to go fer one to miggle wif..malu lah nak hang-out wif da guys...but da 2nd n 3rd day..aarr...dah mesra gituuu..hahaaa...overall da course not bad lah..frankly its a very dry course..tapi kerana kehadiran pakcik2 n abg2 jokers tu semua...tak lah boring sangat...da trainer pun bleh tahan dia punye kaklar... heheeee
19th May...
Broadrick's Launching da ArtsFest....da skool was very very well decorated...full of balloons here n there...started da ceremony ard 9am by Mr Benson Puah da CEO of the Esplanade...this is one of da big n grand event fer broadrick tis yr...lots of performances,exhibitions,crafts stalls,etc...
21st May...
wow...kejam kelip dah seminggu Boy kawin..attend his wedding last sat wif Ida..saw many familiar faces there..yea da tp-reans who else~~ he nikah on friday nite 20.05.2005..nice number huh..

sweet couple rite~~ Indra Iskandar Syah & Norazlin...Semoga Kekal Hingga ke Akhir Hayat! InsyaAllah~~
23rd May...
supposed to hav our post morterm but too bad some cld not make end up me,wid,hashim n razil chill out at Ambrosia...n den we proceed to marina square fer bowling...its been long since i bowl..had so much fun..oh ya fid bibir works at Ambrosia..hahaa..wat a coincidence...
guess tts all fer da past few suppose to finish up my work review..but am now soooo DAMN FOOKIn havin this diarrhea...shittin all day~~ lembek badan nie aku rasa...didnt get to meet up wif yan n noli...eeerrr SUCK-8-NYEr-PeYuuTTTTT!!! pprroott~ oopps..hahahaaaaa
Monday, May 09, 2005
MuMMy's DaY...&...BDS reunion CHALET
Da Afternoon....
Had a MOTHER's DAY celebration at Vu's place..
Before we start..while waiting fer Aunty Sah n Uncle Tahir..we look thru all Vu's wedding pics..very very nice..especially those taken outdoors...very nice~~ i like da effect..hmm..feel like taking up photography..hehee..semua aku nak cuba..i saw tt day latest software by photostudio...ORIGINAL beb...mahal seyy..but i heard from Kak CT..Abg Sani ade..hmmm can borrow den...Vu n Airon went to da AIM awards last saturday (30th April)...damn u Airon!! he took pics wif Anuar Zain n Ning Baizura!!! my god~~ Anuar sooooo HANDSOME!!! n Ning sooo pretty~~ her face sooo FLAWLESS...
And so we had a lil doa slamat..cut cake ceremony..buffet lunch..followed by givin away the presies to all our mothers... a fun n great celebration...tak habis2 ketawa aje..siapa lagik jokers dia kalu bukan Airon n Fir..full of laughter n happy tears..aaawww~~~~

A fruity heart shaped cake~~ cake from SWENSONS...

***Da MOTHERS***

And we in da picture
Wat a great afternoon...left da place ard 5 plus...time fer me to ZOOM myself to changi fer da chalet...
Da evening...

So tis is how our chalet looks like...scary??? nah~~
not many pple were ard when i reached..our gerls was juz Noli..Zana accompany Sunny to see doctor...n fer da guys..Hashim,Nazri,Effendi n Hanafi were there...its a surprise to see Cikgu Aisyah managed to drop by...she hardly recognise me..but after i mentioned my FULL name..she said "oh ya...Tuty yg terkenal dengan rambut panjang awak tu kan?~~" hahahaaa...yea da Rupanzel..juz tt my hair is not GOLD...kalu gold kan bagus...AKU KAYA!!! tak payah keje..pajak aje rambut nyahahahaaaa~~~
poor Cikgu Aisyah..blum ade ape2 yg siap masa dia datang..BBQ pun blum she helped me n Noli at da kitchen...da best offered Cikgu coffee...thought wanna make her one but den i realised our dear Zana didnt brought her 3 in 1 coffee sachet...hahaa...Malu ge-gerl~

+*+* zana, Cikgu Aisyah. me & noli *+*+
Ard 7 plus...pple starts to come...Wid n Yan lost their way..hehee...anyway not bad sambutan nyer...we estimated abt 20 coming...Alhamdulillah almost 40 came by...aku pulak kena panggil "mak pengantin" hahaaa...

one of da grp photo tt we had fer tt nyte
Wat a lovely time wif all those who came by...great chats..updates abt one another...a refreshing and nostalgic... Cikgu Aisyah herself encouraged us to have more events in da future...
pple were stil ard til midnite...we later den watch some scary movies..Hashim brought da vcds...not soo scary lah..funny lagik ade..especially tt MOMOK story..ade ke pocong boleh langgar pokok? hahaa...lepaks! den followed by a thailand movie..not bad lah~
Me, Zana, Sunny, Wid, Hashim, Effendi n gf were few tt overnite...Razil was da last one left tt nyte...Tahir n frens slept in da van...we slept ard 5am...i cant really sleep...tydo2 ayam...hehee..
after branch...we played some card games...Hashim sempat pegi tempat keje dia to take up some pizzas..

and so we ate again...hahaa...and played card games again...get to sabo each other...hahaaa...FUN!! although onli 5 of us...but we had a soo much called "quality time"...we decided to check out ard 6...while waiting fer da officer..we explore da OLD CHANGI HOSPITAL..juz behind our chalet...

++ Da OLD changi hospital ++
it was Wid's idea...and so da FAMOUS 5 pun pegi lah..senja2 pulak tu..kinda dark inside...scary~~ adelah bunyi2 yg tak mengenakkan..aku ade bau ubat-ubatan...they all were teasing me wif da HEELS n LONG SKIRT...kalau ade anjing nanti aku lah da last one lari..but was an ACHIEVEMENT fer me to climb up n down those stairs wif heels ok~~ dan biasalah kasut aku paling memekak bila turun tangga dlm hospital tu....

{{ we somewhere ard da hospital area }}
i don dare to take any pics in da building itself cos afraid nanti ade ape2 yg jelma...and so we spent almost an hour exploring da building...penat~~berpeluh2..da officer came ard 7...and Tahir came fetch us to send us HOME...

To my Committees..Zana, Wid, Noli & Hashim...thanks fer being so supportive in making this reunion happened...da whole week from 2nd may..we had been so busily planning on da arrangements..kind of hard to meet up but we manage to settle everything via email n sms...and wow..great job peps..juz within a week..hehee...berbaloi jugak lah usaha kita... And fer tt I'm looking forward fer our POST MORTERM n feedback..hehee..our next 2 weeks time or perhaps end of tis mth..wil wait til our dear NOLI comes back from LONDON...
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Labour Day Baby....
so after family n me we went down to KK hospital...its been long since i visit someone in KK..hehee..

he's soooo cute...Uncle Hosni cant decide which name to choose..either Muhd Zul Izzat or Muhd Zul Dani...well me prefer the 2nd one...
well this is Uncle Hosni's (my dad's youngest brother) 4th child...hehee..slamatz lah cle..banyakkan keje overtime ye..hehee...
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
tiRING wEEk!!!
At last i received my BODYSHOP membership card..dah complain baru nak kalam kabut..hehee..standard~ me typical singaporean..bukan skali aku complain...tapi 3 kali..hahaaa..RAS'in Lu~ jgn main2 sama gue..maka'in laku'in kerjak itu biar bener~~~
ida msg me said tt she too received invitation card from can go 2gether2... but probably if her fiancee not werkin..he'll tag nak bawak tunang pulak..abih aku?heheee...takpe..nanti aku carik juz fer tt day..hahaa bleh gituk~
Wanna relief STRESS so took some uncencored self pics wif ma hp panasonic X400...location..where ma room lor~ hehee...
amcamz?? mcm2 style aku buat ngan "mahkota" ku..heheee..
hmm..time really flies...upcoming events..BDS reunion chalet at Netheravon terrace Aloha changi on da 7th may...n on da 8th may is MOTHERS's day...wil be havin da celebration at Vu's place...kauzz...dunnoe wat to buy fer all da mothers...DUIT..FULUS..CIAN...$$$ hahaaa...
alah~ duit bleh di cari~
currently ma fav songs r LONELY NO MORE by rob thomas n GIRL by destiny's child...these songs keep on playin in my brain...n I LOIKE~~
Take a minute girl, come sit down
And tell us what's been happening
In your face I can see the pain
Don't you try to convince us that you're happy (yeah)
We've seen this all before
But he's taking advantage of your passion
Because we've come too far
For you to feel alone
You don't let him walk over your heart
I'm telling you
Girl, I can tell you've been crying
And you needing somebody to talk to
Girl, I can tell he's been lying
And pretending that he's faithful and he loves you
Girl, you don't have to be hiding
Don't you be ashamed to say he hurt you
I'm your girl, you're my girl, we your girls
Don't know that we love ya
See, what y'all don't know about him
Is I can't let him go because he needs me
It ain't really him, it's stress from his job
And I ain't making it easy
I know you see him bugging on me sometimes
But I know he be tired, he don't mean it
It gets hard sometimes
But I need my man
I don't think y'all understand
I'm telling you
[chorus 2x]
Girl, I can tell you've been crying
And you needing somebody to talk to
Girl, I can tell he's been lying
And pretending that he's faithful and he loves you
Girl, you don't have to be hiding
Don't you be ashamed to say he hurt you
I'm your girl, you're my girl, we your girls
Don't know that we love ya
Girl, take a good look at yourself
He got you going through hell
We ain't never seen ya down like this
What you mean, you don't need us to help
We known each other too well
I'm your girl, you're my girl, we your girls
[chorus 2x]
Girl, I can tell you've been crying
And you needing somebody to talk to
Girl, I can tell he's been lying
And pretending that he's faithful and he loves you
Girl, you don't have to be hiding
Don't you be ashamed to say he hurt you
I'm your girl, you're my girl, we your girls
Don't know that we love ya
(specially dedicate this to all ma girls...esp to u NURLI...WE LOVE YA~)
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Busy..Busy..Busy..did i said busy?
Last sat (16th April) met kak shahada @ city hall burger king..juz wanna pass me a bday gift..hehee..den later on went to parkway parade to meet my sec skool frens..hmm..another complication..kind of weird, uncomfortable..guess its my fault..shld hav listen..I had promise tt such situation wld not happen again..NEVER..dunnoe wat to do..dunnoe how to mend it..guess juz let da time heal all wounds..nature takes its course..cant force if da individuals don want to..
this from kak shahada..she n her awesome packaging..
from Zu..pierre cardin coin pouch..nice~ butterflies i LOIKE~
wat else to update eh?? Hmmm..let me seeeeee..oh yes..on da Sunday ie. 17th april..went out wif da whole family..we went to tamp pizza hut fer treat my family as April is da mth of my bday cum my parents 24th pics taken..fergot to bring my digi..damn!! but its alrite..its permanently saved in my head..brain n the vessels..hahahaaa..
heard tt huda was sick…so ma sis went to visit her wif shida..
They r sooo cuteee APPLEkin!!!!
And they r sooo sweeettt STRAWBERRYkin!!!
last minute plan..met yan n jnab on tues..after werk..we chill at bugis coffee bean..da motive was to meet noli..plan to cheer her...but too bad she cant make it..well guess she’s not in da mood..its ok there is next time..hmm is it? Well maybe not sure..cos heard tt she’s leavin fer London next week…not confirm tho’......
oh can I ferget abt tis..received an invitation card from BOY (indra iskandar shah) color somemore..sooo sweet..his big day on 21st may,sat..nazri bds fren getting married august but yet to receive card from him..hmmm am I invited? Marly from bwps too..heard from erni in hari musim frens tunang..nie ber-rumah ber-tangga pulak..heheee..happy fer all of u peps..Moga2 kekal hendaknye…
juz cant get enuff of more pics of her.......
anyway while listening to a song titled CINTA by melly goeslaw feat krisdayanti..very nice song..very meaningfull..i lurve this song..sesuai untuk UMUM..hehee
Melly: Menapak jalan yg menjauh
tentukan arah yg ku mau
tempatkan aku pada satu peristiwa
yg membuat hati lara
KD: Didekat engkau aku tenang
sendu matamu penuh tanya
misteri hidup akankah menghilang
dan bahagia diakhir cerita
Melly: Cinta tegarkan hatiku
tak mau sesuatu merenggut engkau
naluriku berkata
tak ingin terulang lagi
kehilangan cinta hati
bagai raga tak bernyawa
KD: Aku junjung petuahmu
cintai dia yg mencintaiku
hatinya luluh belaian kini telah menepi
bukankah hidup kita akhirnya harus bahagia