tot of watchin Linsay Lohan movie 2day..
skali juz remember tt tonite ade ANUGERAH lah~~
how can i miss it...

my fav contestant...
Jann said he's married?? asal bleh jer tu pompuan spread info...
terkejot beruk aku kejap...
hilang semangat nak vote fer him...
he's single but not available rupanye...
chey~~ aku pun SAMA...
HAIZ~~ last last Wednesday saw him wif da rest of da contestant at SAKURA far east...
was havin dinner there....
he SMILED!! hahahaaaaa....
kau smile kat aku punye pasal~~ takpe...
nie mlm aku vote kau 1 dollar ok?
banyak2 nanti bill aku naik ah bro...hahahaaa....
Hai Syed Azmir...u r sooo smooth man...
geram...mcm ku nak gigit jer...
gigit jari? hehee...(eh jann?...u ask me to gigit jari ryte?)
wish all da contestants very da best ah....
ape crita lagik ade eh tonite?