7th May 2005..Saturday:
Da Afternoon....
Had a MOTHER's DAY celebration at Vu's place..
Before we start..while waiting fer Aunty Sah n Uncle Tahir..we look thru all Vu's wedding pics..very very nice..especially those taken outdoors...very nice~~ i like da effect..hmm..feel like taking up photography..hehee..semua aku nak cuba..i saw tt day latest software by photostudio...ORIGINAL beb...mahal seyy..but i heard from Kak CT..Abg Sani ade..hmmm can borrow den...Vu n Airon went to da AIM awards last saturday (30th April)...damn u Airon!! he took pics wif Anuar Zain n Ning Baizura!!! my god~~ Anuar sooooo HANDSOME!!! n Ning sooo pretty~~ her face sooo FLAWLESS...
And so we had a lil doa slamat..cut cake ceremony..buffet lunch..followed by givin away the presies to all our mothers... a fun n great celebration...tak habis2 ketawa aje..siapa lagik jokers dia kalu bukan Airon n Fir..full of laughter n happy tears..aaawww~~~~

A fruity heart shaped cake~~ yummy..ice-cream cake from SWENSONS...

***Da MOTHERS***

And we in da picture
Wat a great afternoon...left da place ard 5 plus...time fer me to ZOOM myself to changi fer da chalet...
Da evening...

So tis is how our chalet looks like...scary??? nah~~
not many pple were ard when i reached..our gerls was juz Noli..Zana accompany Sunny to see doctor...n fer da guys..Hashim,Nazri,Effendi n Hanafi were there...its a surprise to see Cikgu Aisyah managed to drop by...she hardly recognise me..but after i mentioned my FULL name..she said "oh ya...Tuty yg terkenal dengan rambut panjang awak tu kan?~~" hahahaaa...yea cikgu..me da Rupanzel..juz tt my hair is not GOLD...kalu gold kan bagus...AKU KAYA!!! tak payah keje..pajak aje rambut nyahahahaaaa~~~
poor Cikgu Aisyah..blum ade ape2 yg siap masa dia datang..BBQ pun blum start...so she helped me n Noli at da kitchen...da best part..me offered Cikgu coffee...thought wanna make her one but den i realised our dear Zana didnt brought her 3 in 1 coffee sachet...hahaa...Malu ge-gerl~

+*+* zana, Cikgu Aisyah. me & noli *+*+
Ard 7 plus...pple starts to come...Wid n Yan lost their way..hehee...anyway not bad sambutan nyer...we estimated abt 20 coming...Alhamdulillah almost 40 came by...aku pulak kena panggil "mak pengantin" hahaaa...

one of da grp photo tt we had fer tt nyte
Wat a lovely time wif all those who came by...great chats..updates abt one another...a refreshing and nostalgic... Cikgu Aisyah herself encouraged us to have more events in da future...
pple were stil ard til midnite...we later den watch some scary movies..Hashim brought da vcds...not soo scary lah..funny lagik ade..especially tt MOMOK story..ade ke pocong boleh langgar pokok? hahaa...lepaks! den followed by a thailand movie..not bad lah~
Me, Zana, Sunny, Wid, Hashim, Effendi n gf were few tt overnite...Razil was da last one left tt nyte...Tahir n frens slept in da van...we slept ard 5am...i cant really sleep...tydo2 ayam...hehee..
Da Afternoon....
Had a MOTHER's DAY celebration at Vu's place..
Before we start..while waiting fer Aunty Sah n Uncle Tahir..we look thru all Vu's wedding pics..very very nice..especially those taken outdoors...very nice~~ i like da effect..hmm..feel like taking up photography..hehee..semua aku nak cuba..i saw tt day latest software by photostudio...ORIGINAL beb...mahal seyy..but i heard from Kak CT..Abg Sani ade..hmmm can borrow den...Vu n Airon went to da AIM awards last saturday (30th April)...damn u Airon!! he took pics wif Anuar Zain n Ning Baizura!!! my god~~ Anuar sooooo HANDSOME!!! n Ning sooo pretty~~ her face sooo FLAWLESS...
And so we had a lil doa slamat..cut cake ceremony..buffet lunch..followed by givin away the presies to all our mothers... a fun n great celebration...tak habis2 ketawa aje..siapa lagik jokers dia kalu bukan Airon n Fir..full of laughter n happy tears..aaawww~~~~

A fruity heart shaped cake~~ yummy..ice-cream cake from SWENSONS...

***Da MOTHERS***

And we in da picture
Wat a great afternoon...left da place ard 5 plus...time fer me to ZOOM myself to changi fer da chalet...
Da evening...

So tis is how our chalet looks like...scary??? nah~~
not many pple were ard when i reached..our gerls was juz Noli..Zana accompany Sunny to see doctor...n fer da guys..Hashim,Nazri,Effendi n Hanafi were there...its a surprise to see Cikgu Aisyah managed to drop by...she hardly recognise me..but after i mentioned my FULL name..she said "oh ya...Tuty yg terkenal dengan rambut panjang awak tu kan?~~" hahahaaa...yea cikgu..me da Rupanzel..juz tt my hair is not GOLD...kalu gold kan bagus...AKU KAYA!!! tak payah keje..pajak aje rambut nyahahahaaaa~~~
poor Cikgu Aisyah..blum ade ape2 yg siap masa dia datang..BBQ pun blum start...so she helped me n Noli at da kitchen...da best part..me offered Cikgu coffee...thought wanna make her one but den i realised our dear Zana didnt brought her 3 in 1 coffee sachet...hahaa...Malu ge-gerl~

+*+* zana, Cikgu Aisyah. me & noli *+*+
Ard 7 plus...pple starts to come...Wid n Yan lost their way..hehee...anyway not bad sambutan nyer...we estimated abt 20 coming...Alhamdulillah almost 40 came by...aku pulak kena panggil "mak pengantin" hahaaa...

one of da grp photo tt we had fer tt nyte
Wat a lovely time wif all those who came by...great chats..updates abt one another...a refreshing and nostalgic... Cikgu Aisyah herself encouraged us to have more events in da future...
pple were stil ard til midnite...we later den watch some scary movies..Hashim brought da vcds...not soo scary lah..funny lagik ade..especially tt MOMOK story..ade ke pocong boleh langgar pokok? hahaa...lepaks! den followed by a thailand movie..not bad lah~
Me, Zana, Sunny, Wid, Hashim, Effendi n gf were few tt overnite...Razil was da last one left tt nyte...Tahir n frens slept in da van...we slept ard 5am...i cant really sleep...tydo2 ayam...hehee..
8th May 2005....Sunday:
on sunday morning hujan..tak berhenti til afternoon...so we didnt wake up fer breakfast...but we did hav BRANCH..hehee..Me, Zana n Wid panas2 kan da food...end up left wif da 5 of us in da chalet...da guys were onli Sunny n Hashim..
after branch...we played some card games...Hashim sempat pegi tempat keje dia to take up some pizzas..

and so we ate again...hahaa...and played card games again...get to sabo each other...hahaaa...FUN!! although onli 5 of us...but we had a soo much fun..so called "quality time"...we decided to check out ard 6...while waiting fer da officer..we explore da OLD CHANGI HOSPITAL..juz behind our chalet...

++ Da OLD changi hospital ++
it was Wid's idea...and so da FAMOUS 5 pun pegi lah..senja2 pulak tu..kinda dark inside...scary~~ adelah bunyi2 yg tak mengenakkan..aku ade bau ubat-ubatan...they all were teasing me wif da HEELS n LONG SKIRT...kalau ade anjing nanti aku lah da last one lari..but hey..it was an ACHIEVEMENT fer me to climb up n down those stairs wif heels ok~~ dan biasalah kasut aku paling memekak bila turun tangga dlm hospital tu....

{{ we somewhere ard da hospital area }}
i don dare to take any pics in da building itself cos afraid nanti ade ape2 yg jelma...and so we spent almost an hour exploring da building...penat~~berpeluh2..da officer came ard 7...and Tahir came fetch us to send us HOME...
after branch...we played some card games...Hashim sempat pegi tempat keje dia to take up some pizzas..

and so we ate again...hahaa...and played card games again...get to sabo each other...hahaaa...FUN!! although onli 5 of us...but we had a soo much fun..so called "quality time"...we decided to check out ard 6...while waiting fer da officer..we explore da OLD CHANGI HOSPITAL..juz behind our chalet...

++ Da OLD changi hospital ++
it was Wid's idea...and so da FAMOUS 5 pun pegi lah..senja2 pulak tu..kinda dark inside...scary~~ adelah bunyi2 yg tak mengenakkan..aku ade bau ubat-ubatan...they all were teasing me wif da HEELS n LONG SKIRT...kalau ade anjing nanti aku lah da last one lari..but hey..it was an ACHIEVEMENT fer me to climb up n down those stairs wif heels ok~~ dan biasalah kasut aku paling memekak bila turun tangga dlm hospital tu....

{{ we somewhere ard da hospital area }}
i don dare to take any pics in da building itself cos afraid nanti ade ape2 yg jelma...and so we spent almost an hour exploring da building...penat~~berpeluh2..da officer came ard 7...and Tahir came fetch us to send us HOME...

b4 we left...last picture fer da SUNDAY...
To my Committees..Zana, Wid, Noli & Hashim...thanks fer being so supportive in making this reunion happened...da whole week from 2nd may..we had been so busily planning on da arrangements..kind of hard to meet up but we manage to settle everything via email n sms...and wow..great job peps..juz within a week..hehee...berbaloi jugak lah usaha kita... And fer tt I'm looking forward fer our POST MORTERM n feedback..hehee..our next meetin..in 2 weeks time or perhaps end of tis mth..wil wait til our dear NOLI comes back from LONDON...
To my Committees..Zana, Wid, Noli & Hashim...thanks fer being so supportive in making this reunion happened...da whole week from 2nd may..we had been so busily planning on da arrangements..kind of hard to meet up but we manage to settle everything via email n sms...and wow..great job peps..juz within a week..hehee...berbaloi jugak lah usaha kita... And fer tt I'm looking forward fer our POST MORTERM n feedback..hehee..our next meetin..in 2 weeks time or perhaps end of tis mth..wil wait til our dear NOLI comes back from LONDON...
Wat a weekends...great way to de-stress from WORK...heheee...
p/s: i'll attached a picture gallery soon..so check it out ya..I'm using "imagestation"...its cool..slideshows..check out more happening pictures..