for da 1st time i bought a note book tt "represents" me...
2gether wif Jann watch da longest yard..
so while waiting fer da movie to start, we drop by TIMES....
and look wat i've found~~

well as u can see...
look at da gurl...i muz say we are soooo similar
her long royal black hair juz like me...juz tt i don hav tt fringe...
specky juz like me...
vogue thick lips juz like me...
she's in long sleeve dress juz like me...
and look at da items tt she has...wat a similarities we have...
da heels (yes me always wif heels at least 1 n a half inch high),
da coffee (muz have a sip esp in da morning),
da computer (everyday online...),
da long sleeve WHITE shirt (white sooo my color~ n formal is my style),
da Purple handbag (juz had one...),
da handphone (hmm..everyone has this gadget),
da shades (always in my bag but seldom use it),
car keys?? hmmm...soon~ InsyaAllah by 2007 or 2008...wil own one hopefully heh...
if not muz at least hav license by tt time....
best of all look at way she pose...juz like ME...hahahaaaa....
oh btw tis morning i went to fetch Huda from her play group....
all da kids in her class were so cute...onli 2 boys in her class..
i helped dem to wear shoes...hurhur~
den after tt went to my gramma's plc in da afternoon...
late evening met my sec skool gerls...
fun~ fun~ fun~