hmm...where shld i start wif?? let's seeee....ok!
16th to 18th May...
had a 3 full day course at tanjong pagar...some self-development course i was sent to...was kinda shock to see tt da class had onli 3 ladies (n tt include me) 1st ingatkan dah masuk salah class..but saw da room number was right...n when i entered back again da trainer called my name...haizyoo..soo paisey~~ da room was packed wif pakcik2 n abg2 from CIA,ICA,SCDF,SPF...same goes to da other 2 ladies..onli mua from MOE...ish ish..on da 1st day of da course..gua takde kawan to go fer one to miggle wif..malu lah nak hang-out wif da guys...but da 2nd n 3rd day..aarr...dah mesra gituuu..hahaaa...overall da course not bad lah..frankly its a very dry course..tapi kerana kehadiran pakcik2 n abg2 jokers tu semua...tak lah boring sangat...da trainer pun bleh tahan dia punye kaklar... heheeee
19th May...
Broadrick's Launching da ArtsFest....da skool was very very well decorated...full of balloons here n there...started da ceremony ard 9am by Mr Benson Puah da CEO of the Esplanade...this is one of da big n grand event fer broadrick tis yr...lots of performances,exhibitions,crafts stalls,etc...
21st May...
wow...kejam kelip dah seminggu Boy kawin..attend his wedding last sat wif Ida..saw many familiar faces there..yea da tp-reans who else~~ he nikah on friday nite 20.05.2005..nice number huh..

sweet couple rite~~ Indra Iskandar Syah & Norazlin...Semoga Kekal Hingga ke Akhir Hayat! InsyaAllah~~
23rd May...
supposed to hav our post morterm but too bad some cld not make end up me,wid,hashim n razil chill out at Ambrosia...n den we proceed to marina square fer bowling...its been long since i bowl..had so much fun..oh ya fid bibir works at Ambrosia..hahaa..wat a coincidence...
guess tts all fer da past few suppose to finish up my work review..but am now soooo DAMN FOOKIn havin this diarrhea...shittin all day~~ lembek badan nie aku rasa...didnt get to meet up wif yan n noli...eeerrr SUCK-8-NYEr-PeYuuTTTTT!!! pprroott~ oopps..hahahaaaaa