well me can't sleep after doing morning prayer as usual, kinda excited to water the plants this morning. normally its my parents daily routine job to water them. why am I extra helpful today? well there's always a reason right~ okay let me introduce.... jeng jeng jeng~~~

welcome to the FAM~~ OrchiD! sOoOo Clever~~ heh!
there's this temporary flowers & plants store, hmm not exactly store course its like an open space right in front of my residence (which used to be a temporary wet market). guess its all because of CNY or else its just an empty space. there's so many beautiful & colourful flowers, so dE geram~ so i pester my dad that i want a pot of orchid, NO actually 3 POTS (course there were 3 colors ie. purple, white & orange). it was 18$ per pot at first but yesterday it went down to 10$ per pot. my dad disagreed and instructed me to just get a pot. he said "nanti sape yg nak jaga? mula-mula jer ghairah...nanti malas! sudah! beli satu jer..." =(
anyway while photographing the new member, I took the associates too!

look at the money plant, it starts to creep into my window. still standing tall, my beloved cactus is about 1.2m (it stands right beside pandan). it has been with the fam since I was 10yrs old, from a tiny winy small cactus in a small pot. my gramma gave it to me, she's a plant lover. the limau purut starts to fruit again!! yey~ we have many other plants like tujuh duri, kunyit, halia, sepulih, buluh jepun, hmm the rest I'm not sure what they are called.........