Friday, February 16, 2007

Model dies like sister

a promising young model has died from malnutrition, just six months after her sister, who was also a model, died from heart failure caused by starvation. she died of a heart attack moments after stepping off the catwalk. she ate nothing but lettuce leaves and diet soft drinks for three months before she collapsed.......

starvation can cause heart attack eh~ that's scary man~ hmmm, and here me still trying to loose more weight by starving myself. I only eat fruits, vegetables and drink plain water. no carbohydrate fer me. but at times do eat some junk food, hehe~ I've had once collapsed too, in the lift on my way to work. suddenly blurred vision and lost my hearing. luckily my dad was with me in the lift. mengucap macam nak rak awak~ ku sangka dah habis lah nyawaku masa tu....

my weight now maintain at 63kg(126 pounds). guess I can't reduce any more. my sis said I'm sick! sicko in the BRAIN!!! but I seriously need to tone my body, flabs everywhere. must find the time to exercise, build up my muscles and abdomen packs, I've lost those lines, can still see but very fine. tapi bila lepas makan perut dah buncit hilang terus~~~~

according to Adult BMI online Calculator, MY BMI(Body Mass Index) :

Height: 5 feet, 6 inches
Weight: 126 pounds
BMI is 20.3
(indicating your weight is within the normal range for adults of your height, maintaining a healthy weight may reduce the risk of chronic diseases associated with overweight and obesity)
BMI is calculated by dividing your weight by the square of your height.

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oh and I have lots and loads of stretch lines!!! how to get rid of those marks/lines? have tried so many creams but can't remove them. anyone has any suggestions or recommend me any product to remove those ugly wugly marks/lines? macam pompuan baru lepas bersalin sey, banyak lines~~ eeEeWww~~