NAFSU mengatakan WANITA cantik atas dasar RUPAnya,
AKAL mengatakan WANITA cantik atas dasar ILMU dan KEPANDAIANnya,
HATI mengatakan WANITA cantik atas dasar AKHLAQnya,
AKHLAQ adalah BUNGA atau HIASAN diri kita..tanpanya hilanglah perhatian manusia pada kita....
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Kids Central Live!!!
went together with my sister...hehe! there's always a kid in me.... and you too...admit it!! soooOOoo...GROW UP! heh~ anyway we had fun.... met da top 4 finalists of singapore idol.... they were there too.... Jonathan!! *drooling~~*.... haizzzz~~~~