Saturday, September 23, 2006


hari yang terangkumnya duka bercampur suka....

In Loving Memory......

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beloved Nek Anip...79 yrs of will always in our mind & heart....we miss you nek~ semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat...semoga beliau ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang soleh & solehah....insyaAllah...Amin...Al-fatihah....

The New Born....

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another BOY!!! another agent but this time 009....he's born to Kak Ct & Abg Sani...Baby Khydr is his name....

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isn't he cute & adorable? 1 week yr old....he looks like a japanese baby...Khydr-san~~ aka Agent 009


"Calling calling Agent 007..."

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Baby Abudullah aka Agent 007....

"Yes Agent 009...007 here.....bla bla bla....ok! roger and out!"


The Wedding.....

Bik Jidah nikah on 09/09/2006 afternoon....and sanding on the next mum & me went for her sanding at Fort Canning Park....

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the arriving of the groom.....

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as usual...uncles who did da halang-halang stuffs....

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the bride patiently waiting....

To Bik Jidah & Cle Adi....congratulations! may you have a blissful marriage....

and thats for Saturday, 9th September 2006....