I suppose today is the happiest day for all civil servants. why? well indeed, we received again the performance bonus(PB). normally its once a year, in March, but provided you are being graded C and above, based on your work review & development. and I heard this year would be the last year, hmmm... not sure about that.
we were excited about the pay raised for this month, but instead we were surprised with the PB of 0.5 that is the net salary plus 50% of your gross salary(minus 20% of course for the CPF.. ish!) Lumayan kan~~~ hehe... inilah untungnya kerja dengan gobermen... I suppose the reason why they raise our pay basically of the GST coming in July. ultimately there's nothing to be glad of. like my mum said, " besar periuk besar lagi keraknya... yang penting biarpun sikit tapi berkat tu ade... berkat yang kita nak... " true enough....
it's sad to hear people(around me) who are married decided to go separate ways. some are young, less than 5 yrs and some already more den 10yrs married. I can't comment, only listen. but on the whole, they mention the same line, " takdir~ dah takde jodoh... " sad very sad...
and what a coincidence, yesterday, friday night, as usual had my religious class. Ustazah Habsah touched on how easily people point finger at FATE (takdir). she said, " jodoh bukan datang dengan sendiri... kita/manusia yang sebenarnye menentukan... kita diberi AKAL untuk BERFIKIR, dan HATI untuk MEMILIH... suatu kebaikan yang datang pada diri kita adalah takdir yang diberi oleh Allah... tapi keburukkan yang datang pada diri kita adalah atas pilihan/kesilapan diri kita sendiri... melainkan ajal dan maut, itu ketentuanNya... selain dari itu kita yang corak perjalanan hidup kita... "
" Tuhan tidak akan mengubah nasib seseorang manusia itu, melainkan manusia itu sendiri yang mengubah nasibnya... "
" Tiada manusia yang merancang untuk gagal, tapi manusia selalunya gagal untuk merancang..."
p/s: I wanna take part in DeaL or No DeaL... $$$~!!!!!