well i guess taking leave really meant to stay at home for me. had made so many plans for today but ultimately, I just lay on the couch watching tv. I sprained my waist. did pilates yesterday morning, guess too much stretching hehe....well anyway good news! I've lost 2 kilos. for the past 2 weeks, practially everyday I did workout, food wise, well eat moderately, don't skip your meals. infact you should have 5 meals instead of 3. yeah tea breaks in between, and try not to consume anything after 8 or 9pm. no matter what exercise is the most important key factor to lose and tone your body. indeed I felt more energetic lately =)
anyhow, met my dear ladies last saturday. as usual we did some shopping spree!!! hmmm, I spent the most in the end. oh oh~ me & pseudochic did some make over for ophelia hehe~ greatest gratitudes to M.A.C too. okay lets pin up the pictures!!! oh by the way, I like the candid picture of yours in your blog ophelia...

this taken unintentionally....but we do look good~ heh!

me & ophelia "memory daun pisang"..... sassy lady valiant & pseudochic....

nice rite~~~

ok this one I was intsructed by the lady in white to snap....so don't blame me for this... noOOo COMMENTOS! *luff histerically*