Saturday, September 23, 2006

zoom i come!!

I'm proud to say that............
with just one attempt....
scared like hell....
with 12 demerit points....
the test was on the 13th sept, wednesday....
received my photocard driving licence last thurs....
that was fast...
i thought the lady officer said within 2 to 3 weeks?
hmmm...oh bother....
hereby let me announce,
Ms Tuty Alawiyah is a Qualified Driver (class 3)

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we had a reunion at east coast park last saturday da 16th was an overwhelming respond...well its great to meet my fellow primary school friends...especially the for the ladies we have met for several occasions before this....

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yes....bbq da whole chik-Ken....

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the early birds.....

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the two mentel T&T (tuty-siti) ladies....hehe~~

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the first famous 5....

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Abang-abang Bomba setting up the BBQ....

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more and more coming....

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smile people~~~

looking forward for more events with you people....and thanks for the compliments...hehe~~ malu beta =>


hari yang terangkumnya duka bercampur suka....

In Loving Memory......

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beloved Nek Anip...79 yrs of will always in our mind & heart....we miss you nek~ semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat...semoga beliau ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang soleh & solehah....insyaAllah...Amin...Al-fatihah....

The New Born....

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another BOY!!! another agent but this time 009....he's born to Kak Ct & Abg Sani...Baby Khydr is his name....

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isn't he cute & adorable? 1 week yr old....he looks like a japanese baby...Khydr-san~~ aka Agent 009


"Calling calling Agent 007..."

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Baby Abudullah aka Agent 007....

"Yes Agent 009...007 here.....bla bla bla....ok! roger and out!"


The Wedding.....

Bik Jidah nikah on 09/09/2006 afternoon....and sanding on the next mum & me went for her sanding at Fort Canning Park....

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the arriving of the groom.....

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as usual...uncles who did da halang-halang stuffs....

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the bride patiently waiting....

To Bik Jidah & Cle Adi....congratulations! may you have a blissful marriage....

and thats for Saturday, 9th September 2006....

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Kids Central Live!!!

went together with my sister...hehe!
there's always a kid in me....
and you too...admit it!!
soooOOoo...GROW UP! heh~
anyway we had fun....
met da top 4 finalists of singapore idol....
they were there too....
Jonathan!! *drooling~~*....