da 20th august....
been busy n tired lately...
now den i have da time to pin this up....
yeah cerisi one down! hehe....
ribenaz? nah~~ not yet...
me was like rushing that afternoon....
was from giving tution first before went down to hilmi's place....
juz nice when adeq and me reached...
the pengantin tengah berarak....
we manage to snap da pengatin wif songket....

we didnt get to snap pictures wif them when they wore songket....
anyway we waited fer them to get change....
walla~~ they came down wif an evening wear....

red~~ i LOikE!!

da ladies......

a reunion pic? da guy in front of me...yg penuh gaya...mutu dan keunggulan...
tak habis2 nak bergambar....mentang2 dia dah single....
after da wedding...noli,zainab,fid and myself...
we lepak at coffee bean tampines....
noli was stress wif all this wedding...
hehe..relax babe...your day will come..no worries...
we were wondering who'll be da next one?
from cerisi or ribenaz?
we continue yakking..from one topic to another....
from ct nurhaliza...to abigail...to nizam getting married..
to da old skool days of ours in millitary band....
"Boon(fid)-June textiles" hehe...cool~ they were da uniform IC...
zainab & noli were da instruments IC....
me & mulyani were da NCOs....
me NCOs eh~~ budak gemuk bleh jadi NCOs....mepek!!!
anyway it was nice to recall all those youngsters daysss....
funny and hilarious.....
ok i'll send in another entry later....
something u peeps ought to c....
u wait~~~