Monday, June 12, 2006

**BitchinG SessioN**

Aloha!!...chey feelin hawaian...heh~~

juz reached home, shopping wif my mum at bedok ntuc...buying some stuffs fer mama enon cos she requested da snowy conflakes...well blanja barang rumah jugak lah...and on my way home mcm2 i plan to type fer today's entries...hmmm~~

well last sat..besides havin a 21st celebration fer my sista...Kak Iza, DeQ n Me had a good bitching session..hahahaaa...too bad Vu cant make it... oh btw...Vu! i also want a bouquet of roses pleeaasseeee~~~ next yr can? heheh~ my 25th? haha...i want WHITE ROSES..or WHITE LILIES...jealous sey~~~ and wat a false alarm when da delivery man came sent da flowers...all of us thought its from adeq's special one...we all make soOOoo much noise..skali when adeq read da card...chey~~~ kena cheated!! and Vu~ i noe u were soOoo anxious to noe wat da bitching session all abt rite? hahaaa...we shall have a repeat telecast on da day we do berkat wrapping fer Kak Iza....

heard from Kak Iza...Vu giving birth InsyaAllah by 23rd June...thats like 2 weeks time...cant wait fer my next next pride n joy...please do plan to have more!! da more da suggestion not one at a time...possible have 4 or 5 at a time...hahaa...and Kak Ct would be having hers InsyaAllah in August...2 boys on their way!! Syed Abdillah and Mohd Izzudin (fyi this is da 3rd name she plan to name her baby...b4 this was Khidir and hmm wat eh?oh i cant remember).... so Kak year your turn ya..dont wait long long~.... seems like my fingers kinda itchy...feel like type some of da contents of our bitching session...hahaa..well Vu if u read this...this would be a summary/sinopsis some part of da conversation...oh well basically we gossips abt some significant pple whom we think loves to condemn others...and always have things to say...infact they condemn their own blood...its like they are da onli one soOOoo perfect... plus those who loves to compete... wants to be better than da other...its fine to have something better den others but be in a right n positive way...and not with PHD (perasaan hasat dengki) dan iri hati....

if possible everyone wanna get married once in a lifetime...unless under some circumstances...but still...who doesnt want to have a grand wedding? or maybe a dream wedding? but den again of cos we have to see our budget...and if you are someone who is good in looking fer sources, creative etc i believed your wedding will look grand without spending much...unless pple who cant be bothered and have lots and lots of money to spend..100% leave to da wedding planner... cant be bothered attitude... reminds me of this 2nd cuz of mine (shall not mention not close wif her)... cant stand her action... my aunt was asking her how's her wedding preparation..and she replied "ah! gasak lah~~ malas nak pikir...mcm dah tak kuasa gitu~~ tahu adekan diri jer nanti.." what a reply~~ with some hand gestures somemore... halooo~~ how can you answer someone much older den you that way? so much of being someone i know who is babe act like one...speak like one...den later she can sit one corner wif Kak Iza talking abt her wedding...kata tak kisah~~ tak kuasa~~ ape jer!! do wat you preech ah babe.... that was b4 her wedding...and now after her wedding, i heard that her guy's side was insensitive cos had liquor during their wedding dinner in dunno what hotel... well guess this is what da outcome of 'cant be bothered' attitude....thanks eh!

pple said Kak Iza's engagement was grand...huh?!
normally there's no berkat during tunang...huh?!
"banyaknye duit sampai ade berkat...." what da *toot.....initially da plan was having da feast at da void deck..cos da space outside quite small...afraid might hindered pple's passage way...but it was cancelled...nasib baik tak jadi...or else~~ paham2 ajerlah....adekan berkat jer org dah cakap~~nie pulak nak jamu org makan kat bawah kolong? kenapa eh org mesti ade nak cakap? buat wedding kecil-kecilan org cakap...buat besar-besaran LAGI org cakap...mesti cakap ker? duduk diam2 lah...doakan yg terbaik untuk bakal pengantin/ yg dah jadi pengantin ker....dah bagus tu org jemput...your job datang makan den sendiri mahu ingat ah ape nak buat lepas tu...da wedding big or small not your money mah~~ tu semua kan rezeki masing2...ikut kemampuan masing2....definitely you cant do a grand wedding if you get married at da age of 21 cos you don have that much savings...unless your folks are fugging rich....unlike if you're 30... probably your savings more den enough....den tak salah lah kalau nak buat besar-besaran kalau ade duit ye tak? yeah i noe... yg penting biar jodoh berkekalan...bukan hingga anak cucu atau pintu syurga...kalau boleh masuk syurga sama dengan anak cucu...kan lagik best!

nie blum my plan to nikah kat masjid...and fer sanding i wanna do depan blk 606...tempat lapang tu..ade stage lagik..can place my pelamin there....huh~~ ape nak cakap?
if you were to ask me what's my ideal age to settle down...i would say bet 28 to lah ok? but calon blum ade~~~ bedek ah if i said i have no one special in my heart...but i not sure lah if i'm special to him...ooppss...shall not leak out too much ya c"p)

so Vu..more details or full coverage probably Kak Iza will tell you any soon or perhaps when we see you....

last but not aunt's (whom i call Ibu Cik) fav line.... "Biar org buat kita...jangan kita buat org..."