Sunday, March 27, 2005


aduh hai~~
sakit seluruh tubuh aku nie...mata aku pun naik penat "renovate" ini blog...dari semlm ie good friday aku online...sampai ini hari...da 2 whole days aku mengadap ini benda yg tak bawak hasil...hahahaaa...tapi syiok jugak..kinda addicted...but still blum puas hati lagik...aku tak bleh hide tu experts peeps who read tis pls pls pls help me...n i also wanna noe how to add tt tagboard n music n pics...pls help tis dummy here...hehehe...

havin bodyache n its every where aching...i'm suppose to type out the layout of coming mid yr o level prac n lower sec prac test...but instead of doin those important ones..i did this...cant believed it...cant resist it either...hahahaaaa....

so amcam gang?? ok tak?? need comments...hahahaaa....ah jay..kau nak sangat kan aku i've granted ur wish...hehehee....

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cute tak?? nie testing jek...