front view...

side view...
At last i own one...woo hoo!!
i think the next one wld b a treadmill?? hahaaa..nak jadikan rumah aku nie mcm gym centre...COOL~~
it came ard 7pm yesterday, monday..guess wat..the whole family were like soooo ambitious...esp my dad..hahahaa..ride like as if never ride b4..poor mum..she's short..hard fer her to climb up the air bike..n den baru buat sikit jer dah complain butt sakit~~heheee..ibu ibu~~kata nak kurus..
well me tried too of cos...cycled fer 10km..had burn 550 calories...hahaha..ya ya..lepas tu makan keropok..amcam nak kurus~~
Well...welcome to the Ahmad's family AIBI air bike!!! n be prepared for these GIANTS to ride on u..let us practice a HEALTHY LIFE STYLE...bersenam lah anda sebelum anda di senamkan..hahahaa...ape sajek!! takde kena mengena...