i'm back~~
ok this actually was done last saturday....
did not sleep after subuh...
i did da crispy popiah or in malay they call it as layang-layang...
layang-layang terbang melayang~ ~
terbang melayang di tengah padang...
ingin aku hiburkan~~
hiburkan hatimu sayang....
ooppss menyanyi pulak! heh!
total of 3 packets of 50 pieces....
hmmm...banyak tu...
muai jugak....
dapat lah dalam 3 bottles...
buatnye makan masa...
tapi makannye...
sekelip mata...hehe...
after roll da popiah skin...u hav to wait fer sometime to make it really stick...
gorengnye cepat jer....
lastly taburkan sugar....
simple...kejam mata pun boleh buat...
...before frying...
...da frying process...
we did da snowy cornflakes as usual...macam tak sah kalau tak buat gitu....
...before bake...
whereas those others like tart, makmur, chocolate chips etc...
kita buat pakai "tepung kertas" jer....
tepung kertas~~~ tak tahu ape tu?
alah yang berwarna-warni tu~~
ade color merah no.10...ade color blue no.50 etc....get it?
and so on da same day...
in da evening...
meet ma lovely ladies...
celebrating 2 in 1 birthday of Lady Zainab & Lady Mariyana....
noli and me "tapao" some Long John Silver for buka....
we had it at da padang since we gonna watch da starlight movies....
we watched X-men 2 which is at 8pm....
didnt wait til end of da show...
cos we were craving for satay that nite...
thus we took cab and zoom to east coast....
it was really fun...
my dear friends were surprised to know that i can speak batak...
they love it and cant stop giggling....
cool isnt it?
i didnt get to take pictures of their presents....
me wrap them like some gubahan for dulang hantaran...
by the way i'm glad that both of them like their presents very much....
O level science practicals starts next week....
many things to do...
its really tough this time...
by the way...
last thursday i was shocked to see that i'm nominated for "The Most Elegant 0r Well Dressed" under category "Barbie Doll"...
this is some game that we staff gonna have for staff dinner and dance on da 3rd of nov....
other catogories like "Madusa", "Beach Boy", "Prince Charming" etc....
other catogories like "Madusa", "Beach Boy", "Prince Charming" etc....
people notice me for that?
sometimes i feel like i'm over dressed compared to da teachers in school...
anyway i have to be maself mah~
personality and image babe ;)
tomorrow me and DeQ will be doing some raya shopping...
as usual i need to find tudung that matches with my outfit ;>
2 outfits for this year...
white songket & silver-grey lacey....
can't wait....
plus i'll drop by sistic to book some tickets for da
Puteri Gunung Ledang the Musical...
Hang Tuah handsome yo!
p/s: today weather very bad .... haze PSI = 104....