NAFSU mengatakan WANITA cantik atas dasar RUPAnya, AKAL mengatakan WANITA cantik atas dasar ILMU dan KEPANDAIANnya, HATI mengatakan WANITA cantik atas dasar AKHLAQnya, AKHLAQ adalah BUNGA atau HIASAN diri kita..tanpanya hilanglah perhatian manusia pada kita....
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
at first Dato'
Saturday, October 28, 2006
i remember that i've scan this picture long time ago...
thought of pin this up...
hehe...just for fun and laughter...
kenang kisah-kisah manis masa silam~~
guess its a perfect time...
since we still in the month of raya....

Friday, October 27, 2006
...Events Up on November...
october gonna end any soon...
so here are events up on coming november...
- 3rd Nov - Staff dinner and dance
- 4th Nov - Kak Zaza's bachelorette party
- 5th Nov - Raya outing with bedok south friends
- 9th Nov - Kak Zaza Nikah
- 10th Nov - Kak Zaza Dinner reception
- 12th Nov - Kak Zaza Sanding
- 24th Nov - Putri Gunung Ledang the Musical
- 28th Nov & 29th Nov - Staff Seminar
ok thats about all...not sure if i miss any...and so this coming wednesday adeq and me plan to go SHOPPING~~ *like da whitechicks* heh~ we wanna shop for kak zaza's dinner...the theme is GARDEN CHIC...hmm.. where shall we shop eh~ by the way i need to buy punjabi suit too...i dont have any you see...for my staff d&d...have to look like a bollywood star~ hehe... the theme is Bollywood...guess i'll juz look for some simple not bling bling ones...anyway we shall know too the results of our very own broadrick awards..hahaha...
by the, 4th of Syawal...i've not wish here yet...
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri !!!
(mcm lampu lap-lip)
Thursday, October 19, 2006
collected these 3 type of kuih from kak Imah after work juz now...
- kuih tart
- almond cornflakes
- kek kukus

almond cornflakes...NICE~ dont believe me? come lah to my place....but only below 16 jer i kasi duit raya ok? hehe....

kek mum's favourite....she's lazy to do this cake cos she said it takes almost half a day juz to masak gula jer...but of cos she would be doing da marble cake and sarang semut cake....thats fer sure!! my fav~~ but not today lah...on coming sunday... da 2nd last day of puasa..

this was done by DeQ...she's not working that she did da crescent moon almond biscuit or biskut badam...very da eggy...use a lot of da egg yolk...den sapu lagi da yolk on top of da biscuits...its nice thou~~ tapi banyak makan this kuih guaranty your fart...fuuuhh yoooo~

this chocolate chips Deq bought it at GIANT....very nice!! almost finish already...hehe me HANTU choc chips too~~ so probably you wont see this bila raya nanti...hehe....but dont worry..i'll replace it fer sure...its choc chips too....very instant one which you can find it in any super store ;> don tell people ya? you know i know...public don have to knoe...hee!

fried popiah....from my school malay HOD...nice of her...tak payah me beli...
hmm...macam-macam eh...tak terkira bilangannye...penuh lah meja nanti...standard~~ after this guaranty berat badan gue naik~~ hehe....PARANOID!!!
anyway enjoy listening to my collection of raya songs....if you bother lah kan...have more to upload...if you cant listen to it becos no speaker or some other reasons..den too bad lah eh~ i suggest you on radio jer lah ok? hehe....ampun~
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
last sunday raya shopping
not many stuffs we bought...
but yet its heavy...
macam "wak gembeng" ...hehe~
so we start wif browsing for some kuih and kerepek...
adeq made me walked all da way right to da end of da bazar infront of paya lebar mrt there juz to buy da kerepek...
she said over there da kerepek is cheaper from da rest that she had surveyed...
plus according to her...
the sales person handsome... (ish ish...astargfirullah~ puasa oi~ takut tergugat iman..)
yeah rite~~
when we reached...
there was no single guy at da stall...
but two plump ladies...
and those kerepek that we intend to buy...
yeah i have to agree that their's are cheaper....
and so we decided to buy from other stalls...
no choice....

kuih bunga rose (my fav) & maruku (ok oklah...but its tasteless to me....not spicy enuff~)

the kerepek merepek....
as for myself...
just wanna look for tudung and probably some brooch...

3 for 5bucks...nice~
adeq has no shoes to go along wif da white songket...
so i suggested to look for one at MANIQ (at tangjong katong complex - 3rd floor)....
found one...
exactly like mine which i bought last year...
seriously da exact same one....
but hers is 1/2 da price of mine...
15 bucks onli!!!

so this year we not only sepasang as in baju...
but also shoes~~
hehe...its been long since we wear sepasang....
thats all for da shopping spree...
didnt get to buy da PGL tix on da same day....
you noe wif all those stuffs...
so i went down to sistic on moday instead...
manage to book on friday da 24th of nov....
seats available more on da 3rd level...

hmm...wish to meet some local artist there....
or probably some m'sian artist?
since its da 1st day of da show...
seriously i wanna meet HANS ISAAC!!!
hehe...cos during da short commercial on suria...
Hans did mentioned that he's coming down to singapore to catch it one more time...
anyway on da next day that is on saturday da 25th nov...
there's a high tea wif Hans Isaac at some hotel...
read it somewhere...paper if i'm not wrong...
45bucks for those who interested.....
before i bobok...
found a picture of Huda...
took this on da day before we start puasa....
we cuzzies hang out at kak ct's place...

Monday, October 16, 2006
<"> eye pimp <">
afraid to scratch cos dont wanna have puffy eyes like noli....
den later yesterday afternoon while shopping with DeQ...
i discovered "WHAT?!?! A PIMPLE IN MY EYE?!?!"....
today its huger than yesterday....

Saturday, October 14, 2006
++ up & down dates ++
...before frying...
...da frying process...
we did da snowy cornflakes as usual...macam tak sah kalau tak buat gitu....
...before bake...
other catogories like "Madusa", "Beach Boy", "Prince Charming" etc....
Hang Tuah handsome yo!
p/s: today weather very bad .... haze PSI = 104....
bored so change layout c",)
change ma layout again...
after solat subuh til now...
images and song attached seems to lag....
hate it...
wanna update some stuffs...
but LAZY lah...
c how later later...
wanna rest ma eyes first...