Saturday, July 08, 2006

~congratulation a celebration~

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I must call him the James Bond Baby...hehe...he's born yesterday!! 07/07/06...if only the numbers are all 07 isn't that cool? he's born to Ahmad Alhadad & Iryani Tahir aka Vu, at 2:06pm, 3.24kg and he's healthy..... Congratulations!!!

up next, attend my ex-primary school mate's wedding at woodlands this afternoon.....

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:*:*:* Adilah, Marly, Me & Idah *:*:*:

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the Guys, Jufri, Isa, Ridzwan, Ariff & Sondee...Erni, Shikin & Mazni were there too...A hearty congratulations on your wedding Syasya, Selamat Pengantin Baru! May you have a blissful marriage and a beatiful life....

and tomorrow i have another wedding, who's wedding? you wait~~ c"p)