Sunday, July 16, 2006

tagged by zainab

six weird facts about me....
  1. i can sleep without any pillow, sleep on da couch da whole nyte....hehe weird kan~~ (then da next morning had a neckache)...

2. i'm patience & impatience at the same time...weird kan~~

3. i sometimes have the problem of racking my brain over things, which do not occur in the end...weird kan~~

4. i'm left-handed in doing some sweep/mop da floor, squeeze wet towels, wash plates...basically when doing house chores but not cooking...weird kan~~

5. i can eat whole meal biscuits and nothing else juz whole meal biscuits for all my three meals....i muz say its biscuits day~~ weird kan~~~

6. i can be long winded at times...i notice that...hate that...but sometimes cant help it...juz bare with me...weird kan~~

ok i've done mine....hmmm who shall i tag??

miny myni miny moe! da choosen ones are......Jannah, Wahidah & Farizan =)

btw why must be 6 weird facts? so many you noe...out of so many numbers must be 6 eh~ WEIRD KAN~~~

Wedding BeLLs~~~

practically i have weddings every weekends lately...
be it friends or relatives or my mum's friends ( pun i kena folloe~ ) ...
since may...til today...
next weekends no wedding....phew~~
but da following starts again~~
so called my 2nd cuz, daddy's side...not my 2nd cuz getting married...
but her daughter...which means da bride is my NIECE!!!!
oh anyway...i've not blog in my dear Farizan's wedding pic....
her wedding was last sunday...9th July...was too tired & busy lately to pin this up...hehe~

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she was in HOT PINK!!! SsooOOooo pomPuan~~~~
she made her man wore pink...hehe so cute~~
and they are both cute....
and as for today....
went together with Ida & Khai to Lyn's wedding....

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the cinta-asmara peeps....hehe~
and soooo...
to both my dearest Farizan & Hazlyn....
Best Wishes from ME~~
May you always find happiness in one another....
Congrats on your wedding!!
ok ok enuff~ heh!
heard Ida gonna have her wedding somewhere middle of next year *wink*
and as for me...
coming soon too...
InsyaAllah mine will be in year 2010...
next world cup ok?!
ITALY CHAMPIONS!!! (ok i noe dah basi~~)

Saturday, July 08, 2006

~congratulation a celebration~

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I must call him the James Bond Baby...hehe...he's born yesterday!! 07/07/06...if only the numbers are all 07 isn't that cool? he's born to Ahmad Alhadad & Iryani Tahir aka Vu, at 2:06pm, 3.24kg and he's healthy..... Congratulations!!!

up next, attend my ex-primary school mate's wedding at woodlands this afternoon.....

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:*:*:* Adilah, Marly, Me & Idah *:*:*:

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the Guys, Jufri, Isa, Ridzwan, Ariff & Sondee...Erni, Shikin & Mazni were there too...A hearty congratulations on your wedding Syasya, Selamat Pengantin Baru! May you have a blissful marriage and a beatiful life....

and tomorrow i have another wedding, who's wedding? you wait~~ c"p)