bought this yesterday. seperti ku pernah lihat mereka ini..tapi dimana ya?~~ chedebah~ cover page sey~~ caya ah sama lu! Anyway may you two have a blissful marriage. Make sure 3 kids eh~ jangan tak jadi.......
NAFSU mengatakan WANITA cantik atas dasar RUPAnya, AKAL mengatakan WANITA cantik atas dasar ILMU dan KEPANDAIANnya, HATI mengatakan WANITA cantik atas dasar AKHLAQnya, AKHLAQ adalah BUNGA atau HIASAN diri kita..tanpanya hilanglah perhatian manusia pada kita....
...dE Bees...
...dE Birds...
...we at the bowling alley waiting fer our turn to hit those pins down!...
...5zaL's 25th birthday, gosh he's a quarter of a century!!! scary man~~... "tak payah risau...giliran korang akan datang~~" he said...heh!
We had dinner at Marina too. Didnt took any pictures while playing pool cause it's not allowed, APE JER!!! We thought of going for Karaoke at K-Box, it's damn expensive sey~ 28$ per head, but we can stay til 4am. Tak kan nak nyanyi sampai pagi? sebelum subuh baru balik? camp terus kat situ pun baik~~~ Anyway we all really had fun, the 1st meet up for year 2007. Next, we'll be meeting at DyLLa's engagement day that is this coming sunday. I'll be doing the make-up for her, hehe, can't wait to transform her =)