hav no idea wat to say...juz tt i miss bloggin..hah~
guess da interest has gone eversince ma laptop was sent fer servicing..
its back though...but another problem arise...
and dont nooooeee wat to do wif it..
da more i try to tackle da problem...da more it gets into my nerves...
and as usual i hav no patience...
well..juz finished wif da pure chem prelim prac exams...
left one more next tues... pure bio
tmr half day...
we gonna celeb broadrick's 35th Anniversary @ Hyatt...
starts @ 7pm...
hmmm...hav no idea wat to wear...mini miny mini moe~~
last sat , 20th Aug...
Zana engaged...
Nazri married...
these two used to b in da same class 2gether wif me in Sec 2...
Zana sat infront of me..
while Nazri on my right, da next row...
remember her as someone who used to b fancied by Samad...
da love letters she received from him...
i read them..
haha..so da berbunge n jiwangz sejiwangz-jiwangznye~
did helped her in some ways...
2gether wif noli...
we loved to play paper shoots, u noe wif tt rubberband thingy...
we'll shoot at Nazri, Razali n Fairus..
me n noli helped Nazri write love letter to his admirer..
remembering those days...
but its juz weird...
sometimes we can cry over happy moments...
n laugh over sad ones...