A splendid, impressive, fabulous, superb and spectacular weekends...tiring but GEREK~~~
~~4th June~~
Went down to da Taman Warisan Melayu (TWM) early in da morning cos Wid needs me n Zana to assist her wif da labelling n seating arrangements for da VIPs and guests launching seatings n dinner at Tepak Sirih..my goodness it was sooo hot tt day..
Anyway we were assigned to do da registration of VIPs and other guests..da GLAMOUR registration GERLS heheee..n definitely we get to meet up-close wif da MPs, Ambassadors, orang2 seni, those we c on tv pple holding big2 organisations, etc..ade yg sopan..ade pulak yg kurang sopan..biasalah kan~~ As fer da rest, Noli, Aden, Hashim, Azhar n Syafiq..they did da ushering..
Our guest of honour PM Lee came ard 5pm....
Begitu GAH skali sambutan nyer bila PM kita tiba..dengan iringan penari2 dari Sri Warisan..hehe mcm reporter pulak yer~~ beautiful performances especially by da small ones..sooo cute..feel like joining them....
Kawalan betul punye ketat...police n CIDs were all ard...infact b4 we start there's a bomb sweep..bodyguards PM Lee pun ramai jugak...metal detector so on n so forth...
And so da lauchin ends almost 6pm..n PM Lee was brought to view da Museum n tour da area...as fer us..we standby positioning ourselves at Tepak Sirih to usher our VIPs and guests fer dinner...I was stationed to ushers da VIPs..hehee COOL...n yes manage to meet PM Lee closely...he was sooo nice sey..he stop talking to Prof Madya Yakob..turned,smile n said "HI" to me..
I cant stand his bodyguards..they move here n there..kanchong spider semcm...me asyik accident jer ngan diaorg..tapi hensem2 jugak..tuff~but all chinese lah..hehee I LOIKE~~
Kampong Glam was den open to public after 7.30pm...ramai jugak yg turun..not bad sambutannyer~~ As fer us..kita pun ade dinner jugak lah..lepak at Wid's office fer dinner plus a small celebration fer our belated bday GERL Wid n bday BOY fer da day Hashim...bought them a chocolate TRUFFLE cake..oh yes how can me fergot abt Wid's colleague.. infact she's our leader...da BUBBLY Rhaihana..Rhai too join in da fun....
Azhar n Syafiq, unbelievable..jokers jugak diaorg..bleh tahan jokes2 dia...nice noeing dem...sayang skali didn't get to take pics wif da guys in baju kurung melayu..but its alrite..we did took some snapshots...took a video clip..aarr there they stil wif baju kurung....

Da nyte never ends, da museum was open til wee morning.. performances from Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia...me,Zana n Wid didn't wait....we were so tired but don't feel like goin home yet..so we lepak at BREKO cafe til 11pm...
~~5th June~~Have 2 weddings tt day..my 2nd cuz n dayah sis's wedding.. luckily both at Tampines.. and so rush myself cos had promised Wid n Zana...n juz nice reached home at 4.30pm..we went down to TWM..at 1st our intentions was juz to hang ard n most importantly wanna catch TAUFIK BATISAH LIVE!!!!!
Rhai didn't wanna activate us..but kesian lah..so we did da fund raising by selling da museum's coupons cum lucky draw..not bad laris jugak..hehee..
Shows continues.. performances by schools, pple playin traditional games everywhere n after magrib, dikir barat by a primary school (cant remember from which school) n KELANA PURBA..yea~ I LOIKE~
Da finale concert..da one tt all been waiting fer.. it starts after isyak..more n more pple started to come.. i bet they r here fer Taufik.. wat else~ da concert starts wif Nuradee, Elfie n Iskandar R. Ismail, Eka Marina, Papa ROCK Ramli Sarip, hip hop dancers, new appearances of which never heard of dem b4..n oh HELL when is Taufik's turn?? Semua kat situ dah binggit cos Taufik tak kluar2.. pple thought dia tak jadi perform..
But hey~ at last..my goodness we were like shouting our hearts out.. TAUFIK!!! TAUFIK!! AARRGGGHHH!!! TAUFIK!!! TAUFIK!!! AARRGGGHHH!!! (non-stop)..there's these guys were asking wats wif him tt we go gugu-gaga abt..well honestly to me he's charming..LURVE HIS SMILE N EYES~~ his eye lashes..uuurrgghh.. i'm melting~
He sang Belaian Jiwa n One Last..took video of him singing..n when he looked at us..we shout again~~ hehee..dah tu kejap jer..he didnt stayed long..ape sey~ pple tunggu bertangga juz to c him..he left by da back gate..when we saw tt..we quickly ran after him.. DAMN!! Masa tu lah digicam aku low batt.. bodyguards sampai 6..garang2 pulak tu..takut gegerl~ HAIZZZ.....
Everything ends almost 12pm..oredy planned took leave til 7th June..heheee..so gue bayar hutang tydo lah~~ hahaaa SooOOoo CLEVER~
Oh YES!! Today is MY MONSTA's bday~~ heheee...my sister lah...her 20th bday...didnt get to wish her this morning cos she had left to work sooo early..n not back yet til now...she's been busy lately..didnt get to chat wif her much too..hmmm me miss u Deq~